
Happy spring everyone. It's been a while since i've been here. I'm thinking of moving and want to get people's opinions about chicken keeping in different towns. Anyone from Bethel or Newtown? Don't want to fall in love with a house and find I can't bring my girls along!
When do you guys recommend putting chicks outside? I have 6 5 week old chicks and it's just been kinda cold at night plus we are supposed to get snow I'm not sure if I should wait another week or not.
When do you guys recommend putting chicks outside? I have 6 5 week old chicks and it's just been kinda cold at night plus we are supposed to get snow I'm not sure if I should wait another week or not.

I would wait until they are fully feathered if it's going to continue to be in the 30s and 40s. They could probably handle 60s/50s now but I think anything less than that is pushing it unless they are already fully feathered. Some other people who know more than me might be able to better answer your question though.

Hope that helped some.
I would wait until they are fully feathered if it's going to continue to be in the 30s and 40s. They could probably handle 60s/50s now but I think anything less than that is pushing it unless they are already fully feathered. Some other people who know more than me might be able to better answer your question though.

Hope that helped some.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. They are alomst completely feathered but their underside and neck are still coming in. Plus two of them are silkies so I guess I shold wait until they are at the beginning of 7 weeks.
I ordered my first four birds from Meyer and they all turned out to be beautiful girls. They are one year old now - great birds. I'm a fan of the hatcheries - I've ordered from Meyer and My Pet Chicken and all the chickens turned out really well - I got exactly what I wanted.
I need some expert advice. I went to a local feed store and they didn't have the conventional unmedicated chick feed I usually buy at TSC/agway. Instead the guy working there said the bag in the picture below was the same. And I bought it after he assured me it was ok for chicks. Now I'm having second thoughts and need advice. Also, the label says "pellets".

As you can see from the photo, the owner of the store wrote on the bottom of the bag with marker, "STARTER/GROWER". And it does have the recommended 20% protein. What makes me nervous is the label says for meat birds etc and I have all layers only 3 weeks old. And nothing on the actual printed label says anything about feeding to chicks. Its made in CT, maybe someone has used this brand before? Also... can I smash the pellets so it makes crumbles like they have been eating?

Personally, I would trust it. I too use that feed for my layers, well I use the later version of that farms feed. However, you more than likely want crumbles not pellets.
I've been keeping a close eye on the weather and it's supposed to be in the 70s most of this coming week with a couple days in the 60s so is it safe to put my 7 week old chicks outside permanently? Or should I wait another week? Also can they be outside now without a heat lamp? I have two silkies and four Gold sexlinks.

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