

I saw this a long time ago, and could never figure out how to add myself to it.
Still not sure exactly how, but I just did it.
Who is next?
Did you figure it out? I sure can't!!
Good morning all! What is with this cold morning!!! argh!
Hope all you mommas had a marvelous Mothers Day!!

My "girls" are 11 weeks old now. I am so totally in love with them. Never knew how much you could love a chicken lolol.
So I am now curious as to whether or not I FOR SURE have all girls. They were supposedly sexed when I got them, but who knows.

How could I / would I know at this point??

uhh HI MOM

this one is my mini. She has been "behind" in development the whole time I've had her. the wing feathers that sit on her back just below her neck were sticking straight up and down until just recently, and her tail feathers are super short and odd looking in comparison to the others. lol
I have two week old chickies, coronation sussex, lavendar orps, a lemon cuckoo orp, and hoping they are all females, if not, I'd rather any roo's go to a pet home (can't keep roos:(.....won't know for awhile, but hopefully they are all girls:)
Welcome to any new peeps. A Chickenstock is a big party type thing, that is usually held at someones barn. People bring food, they BBQ, sell and trade chickens, chicks and chicken stuff and celebrate our weird chicken obsession. There is usually some raffle to cover the host's expenses, games for kids, music. It helps if you can get sponsors to give away free stuff or raffle prizes. It's a chickapalooza!
Welcome to any new peeps. A Chickenstock is a big party type thing, that is usually held at someones barn. People bring food, they BBQ, sell and trade chickens, chicks and chicken stuff and celebrate our weird chicken obsession. There is usually some raffle to cover the host's expenses, games for kids, music. It helps if you can get sponsors to give away free stuff or raffle prizes. It's a chickapalooza!
Oh My Goodness! I definitely want in!
I'm having way more ticks than usual.. I'm wondering if it's going to be a bad tick year. Anyone else having lots & lots of ticks? Doesn't help that I live in the woods!
Hello my New England friends! I'm from Shelton CT and I'm so greatful to see Connecticut has alot of chicken lovers :)
I aquired 3 Rhode Island Reds, 5 Black Sex-linked and 1 Barred Plymouth Rock (a wonderful surprise!) just this past March.
I have to say that I am crazy about the new adition to our family and I am so looking forward to sharing chicken stories and photos
with all of you!
kindest regards-
Our chicks arrived yesterday so we're now officially chicken owners & I wanted to share a few pics...

They're here! So giddy!!!
2 ea: Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Australorp & Dominique

settled in - I was nervous about the feed (homemade, *have* to avoid gluten, corn & soy), but they've been happily eating away. I dropped in some violet flowers this morning & they were chasing each other around - silly chicks didn't notice I was fair and brought one flower for each of them with their morning greens.

Our GoldenDoodle is not sure what to make of this development

"I'll name this one Chevron!" (Rhode Island Red that has a little chevron on the top of its head)

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