Consolidated Kansas

oh, i found the new posts, ha ha ha, hi every body
I just started with chickens last fall, meat birds. Oh god they were a trip. Now I am raising lots of layers and heritage breeds. I live by dexter Kansas.

there is a Kansas Poultry Swap site on facebook

that is a good place to find birds for sale or to post of what you are looking for
Also wondering if anyone knows if Wichita allows free range? I've searched the city code, but I can't find anything.

"Free range" as in roaming around the neighborhood & going wherever they want....NO.

"Free range" as in being within your fenced in yard...YES.

Basically they have to stay on your personal property.
Hi guys!! I haven't been around for quite a while but I'm back now. There are a lot of new people here! I'm glad more people are getting into chickens. I am getting ready to start putting my new coop together this week since my chicks will be here on 4-3! Not much longer to wait now! I have missed having birds and am super excited to get back into them!

David, I would love for you to email me the AMP form. My email is [email protected]. Thank You!!
Hi guys!! I haven't been around for quite a while but I'm back now. There are a lot of new people here! I'm glad more people are getting into chickens. I am getting ready to start putting my new coop together this week since my chicks will be here on 4-3! Not much longer to wait now! I have missed having birds and am super excited to get back into them!

David, I would love for you to email me the AMP form. My email is [email protected]. Thank You!!
Welcome back!!! Congrats on the April chicks!

Danz was so kind to come down and NPIP by birds and then NPIP Hawkeyes! It was just an NPIP'ing kind of day! Thanks so much, Danz!!!! Hope you made it home in good time with your Bourbon Red girls.

Gulp. I thought I was down to around 30 - 35 birds. I have 53 birds.
I have culled and culled and I still have 53 birds? Sheesh. I also found out that my pen of 8 pullets and 2 cockerels was actually 2 pullets and 8 cockerels -- that's a ton of late bloomers! Oh brother!
And to top it all off, we found mites!!!!!
Crap!!!!! Okay, so we got everyone treated, houses repowdered, etc., etc. I'm beat! Oh well, it feels really, really good to have the NPIP testing behind me and mites eradicated. Good thing we did the testing and found the mite problem!
I would like some Black Copper Marans, if anyone has any for sale.

i would also like some swedish flower hens, i think they are cute looking.

tackleberry! Glad to have you here, I'm just down the road from you in Winfield. I should have some Swedish Flower Hen chicks later on. If you go to the Kansas Poultry Swap on Facebook, here is the link for it: Just ask to join & one of us will approve you. There were some black copper marans on there for sale. Well I see that while I was typing that Frizzle put the link up for you, so here it is again.

Frizzle, how is that SFH rooster doing? One of the ones I kept is a pretty nice too, but the crested one is pretty ornery to the hens, he may have to go if he doesn't settle down. I'm hoping it's just teenage hormones & he gets better, we'll see.

Well I got both little goat doelings home this evening & the one I drove to Hutch for is about twice the size of the younger one. I'm hoping they make friends & get so they will play together. The youngest one has been out there yelling since she got here. I fed her evening bottle to her, but she is still yelling out there. About the first thing she did while I was trying to get things put away & get them settled was fall into the water bucket & she was soaking wet & cold then so I had to go get a towel & dry her off, silly goat. The older one, Patches seems a little more at ease than the little one, but it just may be the age difference. She actually wasn't as bad as we thought she would be coming back in the car. We figured she would bleat all the way back home with her, but she actually laid down in the crate & was quiet as could be for most of the way. I'll go out in the morning & take some pics of them, they're just as cute as can be. I have them bedded down in the calf hut I borrowed for now & they have a nice thick layer of straw in there to sleep on. I will have to get something put together soon for them to sleep in, but while they're small they will be able to sleep in this hut. My friend Paula went with me to pick up the little doeling this afternoon & she was very impressed with the goat operation & the people who raise them. I think she may go back later & buy some goats from them herself. They really do know what they're doing & just give you a lot of information, they're really nice people.

chooks, I'm not sure yet if I want to sell the extra Cream Legbar rooster or just let him hang out with my laying flock. I can't use him for breeding Cream Legbars, but I could use him for maybe some crosses. He just has that really crazy crooked comb, he's a good sized rooster though & he's not people aggressive at all. The last two days I have had to go out & catch him & carry him back to the main coop, he can't seem to understand that's where he belongs now. I pick him up & he just hangs there in my arm like a limp rag, no fight at all. Some of my other roosters would be fighting me all the way.

tnt, glad to see you back here! I hope things are settling down for you. That's great you're getting your new chicks soon. You'll have to post some pics when you get them.

Frizzle, that's a cute bird!

Karen, I'm glad you got the mites treated & congrats on the NPIP. I need to do that too, just couldn't do everything at once right now, too much going on & not nearly enough money for it all.
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Frizzle, how is that SFH rooster doing? One of the ones I kept is a pretty nice too, but the crested one is pretty ornery to the hens, he may have to go if he doesn't settle down. I'm hoping it's just teenage hormones & he gets better, we'll see.

Well I got both little goat doelings home this evening & the one I drove to Hutch for is about twice the size of the younger one. I'm hoping they make friends & get so they will play together. The youngest one has been out there yelling since she got here. I fed her evening bottle to her, but she is still yelling out there. About the first thing she did while I was trying to get things put away & get them settled was fall into the water bucket & she was soaking wet & cold then so I had to go get a towel & dry her off, silly goat. The older one, Patches seems a little more at ease than the little one, but it just may be the age difference. She actually wasn't as bad as we thought she would be coming back in the car. We figured she would bleat all the way back home with her, but she actually laid down in the crate & was quiet as could be for most of the way. I'll go out in the morning & take some pics of them, they're just as cute as can be. I have them bedded down in the calf hut I borrowed for now & they have a nice thick layer of straw in there to sleep on. I will have to get something put together soon for them to sleep in, but while they're small they will be able to sleep in this hut. My friend Paula went with me to pick up the little doeling this afternoon & she was very impressed with the goat operation & the people who raise them. I think she may go back later & buy some goats from them herself. They really do know what they're doing & just give you a lot of information, they're really nice people.

Frizzle, that's a cute bird!

Trish-Actually put the first eggs from Svens pen in the incubator this past weekend-so excited, he has 2 light brown speckled girls which should be really pretty with his mahogany mille coloring

Been waiting for pics of your new little girls -I bet they are cute as a button

I sooooo hope this is a pullet. Came out of a blue splash/blue mottled pen but I really like all the white

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