Consolidated Kansas

Try Ylang Ylang if the lavender doesn't seem to be working for you (i agree for baby only 1 drop mixed with your carrier oil) your brain stimulus is going to be about 1/4 way down from tip of big toe on the bottom side of your foot then along the bottom inside edge of your foot will hit most of your main body functions for the best chance at good outcome. Myself personally find i seem to get a better effect when diffusing the oils.

Agree, we have some here in the edge of the burbs and have lots of small animals (not mine but lots of postings)that have gone missing lately. Then we always have the people who say poor thing and leave food on their back decks urg!

I had a friend that had her tiny Chihuahua grabbed & taken by a coyote within the first 5 minutes she was outside. She let her out to go potty & she was gone before she hardly knew what happened. The neighbor dog next door to her also lost their dog about a week before that. We have cats disappear sometimes & I always wonder if they go across the road around the pond & the coyotes get them there. The coyotes don't come on our property due to the GPs being here, they don't allow anything strange to come in here at all.
KKB, I would be worried about the health of the bird that produced that. Can you pin it down as to which one it is?

Yes I know which it is. It has been mopey lately, catnaps a lot, holds her wings down a bit, although she still eats fairly well. She has not laid an egg in the last month we have had her. I first thought that she is egg bound but I am not sure after seeing the yellowish poo.
I have read that they sometimes don't move to eat or drink? Are they always mean when being broody?
I've never had a problem with them not eating or drinking but then I really don't baby them either. I figure this is nature's way of producing more offspring and nature isn't going to create a situation where the mother dies of starvation or dehydration prior to hatch so….I make sure she has water and food she can access and leave it up to her to eat and drink. I think a lot of people worry their bird isn't eating and drinking because they don't see it. They only take a short break once or sometimes twice in a 24-hour period, so unless you are there ALL the time, it would be easy to miss it.

Its not so much "mean" but protective of their eggs - and you want that.
KKB - have this bird been wormed lately? That would probably be the first thing I would do to eliminate worms as an issue. I was in TSC yesterday and noticed they are now carrying the Rooster Booster wormer that you mix in with the food. The regular price is $20 but I had a coupon to get 10% off, making it $18 for the bottle.
I have read that they sometimes don't move to eat or drink? Are they always mean when being broody?
Broodies will get up for a short every day or two then boot scoot back to their nests so unless you are watching she may be getting up. Just look for signs of being depressed indicating she might be sick. No all broodies don't get grouchy. Some are mean as heck and others aren't.
Posted by KsKingBee
Your picture doesn't look like the yellow poop associated with liver shut down. That would be a bright sulpher yellow. That picture indicates a bird who isn't getting nutrition for some reason. I would try worming her and giving her some oil and if she doesn't show immediate improvement give her some antibiotics. Rooster booster would be a great thing to use if you can get some too.
I just got back from Florida yesterday and am NOT happy with Kansas weather :) I finally started my incubator and put a bunch of cream legbar eggs in it.. can't wait! I'm also thrilled that I didn't lose a single chicken while I was away for a week. I kept the hen door open and Sam and Holly (GPs) did an awesome job not letting anything past the door... Now I can get ready for chicks and spring!
I was hoping the weather man would be wrong but I woke up to snow on the ground this morning. I was really really hoping that wouldn't be the case. It's stressing me out because I really need to get more pens set up and birds moved this week. Probably not going to happen because I sure don't want to be out there building stuff in the snow. Dang it!
I've never had a problem with them not eating or drinking but then I really don't baby them either. I figure this is nature's way of producing more offspring and nature isn't going to create a situation where the mother dies of starvation or dehydration prior to hatch so….I make sure she has water and food she can access and leave it up to her to eat and drink. I think a lot of people worry their bird isn't eating and drinking because they don't see it. They only take a short break once or sometimes twice in a 24-hour period, so unless you are there ALL the time, it would be easy to miss it.

Its not so much "mean" but protective of their eggs - and you want that.
I am pretty sure she is being broody, I have to push her out of her nest area......If i don't give her eggs to hatch, does she brood longer?

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