Coop Camera?

Does anyone have a camera set up in their coop? Kind of like a baby monitor where you can see them from in the house? We just thought it would fun.
Wyze cameras. I bought 6 for under $100.
You can set them to record on motion:

Manually record:

And take still shots:
Thats great!! Side note, is that a broody hen I see in the cage alone? I had one like that years ago, She always got Jail time as we called it lol
In the What Happened? video, yes. I had to break her 3 times last year. If she goes broody this year, she gets to set.
The clutch under the girl in the maternity ward with the rooster visiting her is due to hatch Friday.
I also use Wyze cameras in the coop. Also use Wyze cameras for security around the house. The cameras are not rated for use outside, however, with protection people can and do use them outside. I live in Montana and had 4 cameras outside in the cold and wet and snow all winter long without an issue. I did not get the deal DobieLover got on the cameras. Got mine for about 25 each. Home Depot sells them. You can also order from Amazon or go to the Wyze web site.
We also use Wyze. I have one camera but will be adding another ( probably move this one to the back when we open it up and put a pan camera in the coop so I can also see the gate). Currently have it aimed at the automatic door going in to the coop so I can make sure everyone gets in at night. Sure saves going out to check! I have more fun watching them...

Believe it or not there are FIVE chickens sitting on that box! The one sitting in the coop door tried but couldn't find a place.

So Wyze is recommended? Ill look into them. Any other recommendations?

Wyze definitely seem like the best bang for your buck.

I actually use a Ring camera (like the ones on doorbells) as I needed something that worked with WiFi and battery, and that could be viewed in realtime on phone or computer. But they're not cheap.
We have two WYZE cameras as well and it's great. One inside and one out in the run. We don't have power run to the back of our yard so to tossed up a solar panel on top of the coop and the cameras run off power from that from the USB.

Plus you can share the link so others can watch! We probably have 15 people watching our birds throughout the day.

Good luck.

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