Coop Cleaning, Schedules & Maintenance.

- let the hens out of the coop
- clean the poop boards
- gather eggs throughout the day
- do the rest of the farm chores with my henly audience
- spend ridiculous amounts of time throughout the day admiring the hens on my front porch

- rinse and fill waterer
- fill feeder
- make sure poop boards are filled with Stall-Dry and DE

Twice a year
- strip everything out of the coop, put in new shavings
Wow a new bedding material. Thanks for the heads up. Im in Portland Oregon and I am sure I will find it. Makes sense now you think about chix on cafeiene
OMG !!

THX Steve
My routine kinda goes sorta like this.

1.) Collect eggs:D
2.) Make sure they still have water and food and they containers are clean.
3.) Look over them to make sure they don't have anything noticeable. (I have white leghorns soooo they don't really care to be picked up. I watch them, make sure they aren't doing anymore scratching than normal, make sure they aren't getting bumblefoot etc. Things that can be seen just by watching them.

Weekly (By weekly I mean a few times a week but not every day.)
1.) Stir up the shavings I have in their coop. I used the Deep Litter Method so I just stir it up and let it go, haven't had a problem with smell or anything.
2.) Till the ground in their run. I put down about 6 bags of shavings (a little over 7 inches) on the ground and as wierd as it sounds it stays dry and doesn't stink. I till it in and let it go. They seem to love it.
3.) Clean out the water and food container completely. A thorough cleaning.

1.) Nothing really, collect more eggs

Yearly (Once or twice a year.)
1.) Change out the litter in the coop

As far as maintenance on the coop is concerned theres really nothing I do all the time or on a schedule. I kind of continuously fix it up or add something here and there. I make sure it isn't leaking every time it rains but thats about as close to a schedule as I get.
I plan on getting some Food Grade DE when I get the money and using that in the coop and run.
My birds free range all day and go back into their coop/run at night and I close them in their run till the next morning.

EDIT: LOL @ a chicken with a caffeine high. That's a funny picture.
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As far as maintenance on the coop is concerned theres really nothing I do all the time or on a schedule. I kind of continuously fix it up or add something here and there. I make sure it isn't leaking every time it rains but thats about as close to a schedule as I get. I plan on getting some Food Grade DE when I get the money and using that in the coop and run. My birds free range all day and go back into their coop/run at night and I close them in their run till the next morning.

My husband rolls his eyes every time I shlog out to the coop in the rain so I can check for leaks. Says if it were him he'd just wait to see if its wet in there when the rain stops.
at least I know WHERE its leaking.​

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