Coop Contest 2010 - Win $20 BYC Store Gift Cert. Ended 9/12/2010

What great and beautiful coops everyone has! I am really enjoying looking at all the different ideas!

I have difficult neighbors so I came up with a MINIMAL MESS INDOOR COOP! So this is my submission. The girls are quite happy here! When I think no one's looking or home, I take them outside for a bit. But they seem quite content in my invention. I hope you like it!

Nifty: Could you change the picture of my coop to one of the last three that I added? And change the name to BROILER TRACTOR?
Sooooo.... I finally finished my coop.
I dunno if I'll win anything, but maybe it'll help someone out.

I tried to break down the pages and included lots of pictures...perhaps too many... but I do have more! I totally appreciate y'all checkin it out and for your feed back. Maybe someday I'll make the big index page.
Here is a picture of our coop, it has 3 different sections for 3 sets of chickens. Couldn't figure out how to fix a page, so I've just loaded up here.


FRONT OF COOP (there are 3 sections inside where they can roost at night)


If you are facing the front of the coop, this would be the Right side. The sheet looks tacky, I know. Been on the hubby to build a roof over 2 of the areas, we have just been so busy. That's why the boards are leaning up against the walls - so they can go under for shade.


This is the Left side of the coop. The wooden box usually holds live crickets, but we don't have any at the moment. They can eat 1000 in a weeks time if you let them.


This is the Left side. There are 2 doors, but they are for the same group of chickens. The first door leads to a shaded section with a fan and a door leading inside to the laying boxes and roosting spots. The second door leads to their run which is not shaded. There is also another spot at the back where we have our 2 japanese BTW roosters.


Little blurry, but this is the first door I was talking about in the picture above leading to the shaded area. The white japanese rooster doesnt' belong in here, he was just visiting. There are wooden green boxes on the top - the japanese roosters sleep in them at night. They have a ladder they climb leading into them.


This is the non-shaded portion that the 2nd door leads to. The fence you see is what separates my big flock from my japanese roosters.


OK here's the section for my japanese roosters. They climb up the ladder at night to get into the green wooden boxes in the above picture.


If you are facing the front of the house, this is the RIght side. WE have 7 chickens in here, all <4months old. They were the mutts my mutt rooster and BO's hatched. There is a fence in the pen, but they can go on either side, we really need to take the fence out of the middle (where the sheet is hanging.) They also have a door leading inside. We have 5 fans inside, 3 for big section and 1 for each other section. We have to put a roof over this section, it's coming. Now they just go inside under fan or go behind the board for shade.


And here's what we call our big group, one mutt rooster and 13 Buff orphington hens. They spend 80% of their day free ranging, really just go into the coop to lay eggs, roost, eat, drink or cool off.

*****We started off with just a small part, and as you can see, we just kept adding on because we kept getting more chickens. I should have taken pictures of the inside, it's really nice too. This house was a gift from Santa to my daughter for a playhouse a few yrs back. Well, she never cared anything about it, so we asked her could we use it for chickens. She was just as excited as we were about getting chickens, so she agreed. And that's our story. Thanks for looking!!!
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We just finished getting ours up. We still have painting to do and I would like to reshingle the lower roof but it has been raining every day so we haven't been able to. I wanted to post so I could compete in the contest (lol that is laughable, my coop is nothing compared to some of the ones on this site) so if it ever stops raining I will post my update.
Well this one is mine, all cleaned out and smelled so good! This is the Royal Outdoor shed, 4 x 7 size, with a window cut out of one of the panels, and a doggie door on the bottom. I had to make a screen door made of hardware wire and horse latch so I can lock it up if we will be gone for a length of time.


Inside of shed, everything can be removed and break down that one person can clean it out in a matter of five to ten minutes top. The metal pig feeder was attached to two screws in the wall that I can remove for cleaning. Homemade nesting boxes sitting on blocks and roost is on sawhorses.

The water was sitting on layers of bricks but took it out so it can dry before I can put it back in.

The floor is horse rubber mat with wood foundation. One thing I would do is to put the shed on blocks because wood rots under the shed so we have to make a new wood foundation, slap that rubber mat back on, lay the shed on top of it, screw it down and viola, its done!


If I had about 20-50 more chickens, I would go for the Royal Outdoor shed, 8 x 10 or bigger!
Okay, I'm in. I know I won't win anything. My coop is pretty simple compared to some of the incredible palaces I've seen. But I did it myself and I'm proud of it. So, here's the link to my coop page.
I still have to add the finished pictures and probably more of the building details, but I wanted to make sure I got my page in before the cut off date.

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