Corn and Soy free......?

America is not living longer, we are getting sicker and sicker. America has the highest incidents of "Multiple Chronic Conditions" than any developed nation in the world. Americans are getting fatter. 1 out of 2 Americans now get cancer. Take a look at these 2012 statistics released from the center of disease control. American health is NOT anything to be proud of...anymore.

The more I study the more I become convinced GMOs play a large roll in the decline of America's health.

This 2:30 video examines a, Long Term Study on fed RoundUp Ready crops., It shows that it isn't just RoundUp that is the problem but the genetic mutation in the Corn and Soy itself that is a major part of the problem. This study had 4 groups of rats:
1. GMO Corn and Herbicide ,
2. GMO Corn,
3. Herbicide only & non-GMO corn
4. No GMO Corn and no herbicide.

It was expected that GMO corn is bad because of the residue on RoundUp (a known endocrine disrupter and carcinogen). However, they were surprised to find rate of tumor growth with the GMO corn without the herbicide was scientifically notable.

Previously I was happy to eat organic soy or corn because I knew my tortilla chips fields were NOT sprayed with the herbicide and that was good enough for me. However, based on the above study results, I fear an entire genome of GMO crops are likely to be contaminated with the gene. I formed this opinion over the last 9 months. My wife is Japanese. My boy eats Natto imported from Japan every morning. I am trying to like soy, but I am starting to see the science.

Finally although I didn't bring up the GMO aspects of soy my initial post. GMO soy is the primary reason which drew a line for me. It is because of the possible contamination in soy which is being seen in GMO corn that I am now avoiding soy. GMO corn is traveling as mentioned in this article and the following documentary link:
article: GMO contamination in Oaxacac Mexico
movie: GMO documentary

This same type of contamination which is happening in corn is likely (in my mind) to happen to the soy genome. We all know the wind blows pollen for miles and miles. An organic field of soy has no chance of avoiding pollen from neighboring fields of RoundUp Ready Soy especially when 95% of soy is already GMO.

I tried to post without turning this into a GMO post, but I can't help but bring up GMO soy. As far as the history of soy. I love to see it. However, there was no mention of the introduction of Genetically Engineered soy in 1995. By 1997 GMO soy was 8% of US soy production, and by 2010 GMO soy reached 93% of US soy production. I believe they are currently at 95% of US grown soy. This would complete the story of soy which to me may as well be a gravestone. Soy is dead to me now....

I am normally not a zealous crusader about anything, but this seems really important to my household and I think the only reason others aren't uppalled is because they must not know about it.

FYI - The FDA is scheduled to approve GMO salmon this month.....?
America is not living longer, we are getting sicker and sicker. America has the highest incidents of "Multiple Chronic Conditions" than any developed nation in the world. Americans are getting fatter. 1 out of 2 Americans now get cancer. Take a look at these 2012 statistics released from the center of disease control. American health is NOT anything to be proud of...anymore.
Sorry it's a fact that people live longer now then 60 years ago.

What are multiple chronic conditions?

Chronic conditions are conditions that last a year or more and require ongoing medical attention and/or limit activities of daily living. They include both physical conditions such as arthritis, cancer, and HIV infection. Also included are mental and cognitive disorders, such as ongoing depression, substance addiction, and dementia.
MCC are concurrent chronic conditions.In other words, multiple chronic conditions are two or more chronic conditions that affect a person at the same time. For example, either a person with arthritis and hypertension or a person with heart disease and depression, both have multiple chronic conditions.

When you have people living longer then you will have more people with arthritis, cancers, mental, cognitive disorders, and dementia. Are we going to start blaming soy for HIV infection and substance addiction ?
So you're saying that people could be consuming a poison in much larger quantities and the average life span would go up ? Gee talk about bad science.
I would think the living longer is mainly attributed to antibiotics which were not around pre WWII. Also advances in other medical care that are fast becoming out of reach to the average person. The over use of antibiotics may very well put us on a downward slide as far as longevity is concerned.
Comparing properly fermented soy to unfermented soy is apples to oranges, both nutritionally and chemically. What we (modern food industry) does to soy today to pack it into processed foods is far different than how it was prepared and consumed in the past. Good or bad, the difference is important to note.

This is some bad science. There are too many variables in the increase in longevity to ever make a statement like that. That, on average, people have a longer lifespan now than before cannot be tied in direct correlation to a single food source (positive or negative).
Then it would seem that the problem is not with soy but how it is prepared.
People living longer than 60 years ago is not being disputed. This discussion is aimed at current trends, not history. Antibiotics brought our society up from old diseases, some of which have been completely eradicated from the modern world. Antibiotics definitely played a role in the increased longevity over the last 60 years. Let's leave statistics from 60 years ago in the past. America now suffers from a new set of diseases, commonly known as "diseases of affluence." Let's bring the focus back to America and our current trends of heart disease, diabetes, alzheimers, autism, parkinson's, gastritis and cancer rates tripling over the 20 years...

From 1992 to 2006, soy food sales increased from $300 million to nearly $4 billion, according to the Soyfoods Association of North America. Genetically modified soy was introduced as a consumable food in 1994. So if one were to compare lifespan we may want to look at more recent data comparisons. Maybe comparisons over the last 20 years. We may find a link, however, if there is a link, I agree there can be NO scientific conclusion on GMO soy in the human world due to so many uncontrolled variables. However....

In a discussion I had with a supposed expert on GMO, he decided to look at livestock animals, since livestock animals are in an environment which is controlled. This expert claims that in the livestock arena, farmers are finding causal links, because they can manipulate one variable (GMOs) and keep all others constant. In the documentary, Genetic Roulette he shows how the GMOs appear to the cause many of the ailments which effect the livestock we eat and may affect humans, since we are also mammals.

According to what I am reading soy can be healthy if soy is not genetically modified and the soy is fermented. The following are fermented soy products I understand to be healthy.

Fermented Soy Products:
1. Natto
2. Tempeh
3. Miso
4. Fermented Soy sauce

Unfermented Soy Products or unhealthy:
1. Soybean Oil
2. Soy Milk
3. Tofu
4. Soy Protein Isolate (healthy shakes)
5. Baby Formula
6. Edamame
7. Veggie Burgers w/ soy
8. Soy Meal
9. Soy Flour

These are the reason I strongly support organic foods and most recently non-soy products including my chicken feed.
This is why I joined and have recently become more impassioned about organic than ever before.
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People living longer than 60 years ago is not being disputed. This discussion is aimed at current trends, not history. Antibiotics brought our society up from old diseases, some of which have been completely eradicated from the modern world. Antibiotics definitely played a role in the increased longevity over the last 60 years. Let's leave statistics from 60 years ago in the past. America now suffers from a new set of diseases, commonly known as "diseases of affluence." Let's bring the focus back to America and our current trends of heart disease, diabetes, alzheimers, autism, parkinson's, gastritis etc.

From 1992 to 2006, soy food sales increased from $300 million to nearly $4 billion, according to the Soyfoods Association of North America. Genetically modified soy was introduced as a consumable food in 1994. So if one were to compare lifespan we may want to look at more recent data comparisons. Maybe comparisons over the last 20 years. We may find a link, however, if there is a link, I agree there can be NO scientific conclusion on GMO soy in the human world due to so many uncontrolled variables. However....

In a discussion I had with a supposed expert on GMO, he decided to look at livestock animals, since livestock animals are in an environment which is controlled. This expert claims that in the livestock arena, farmers are finding causal links, because they can manipulate one variable (GMOs) and keep all others constant. In the documentary, Genetic Roulette he shows how the GMOs appear to the cause many of the ailments which effect the livestock we eat and may affect humans, since we are also mammals.

According to what I am reading soy can be healthy if soy is not genetically modified and the soy is fermented. The following are fermented soy products I understand to be healthy.

Fermented Soy Products:
1. Natto
2. Tempeh
3. Miso
4. Fermented Soy sauce

Unfermented Soy Products or unhealthy:
1. Soybean Oil
2. Soy Milk
3. Tofu
4. Soy Protein Isolate (healthy shakes)
5. Baby Formula
6. Edamame
7. Veggie Burgers w/ soy
8. Soy Meal
9. Soy Flour
Don't be too hasty, diseases cycle and usually come back with a vengeance. Humans as a species need diseases in order to build resistence. These diseases we have today were not combatted the way they were 60 years ago and are showing a trend in occurence and tenacity.

Stress and it's effect on health is a much larger common denominator than the stuff that goes in the belly and out the backdoor. Heredity is also a larger factor than food.
People living longer than 60 years ago is not being disputed. This discussion is aimed at current trends, not history. Antibiotics brought our society up from old diseases, some of which have been completely eradicated from the modern world. Antibiotics definitely played a role in the increased longevity over the last 60 years. Let's leave statistics from 60 years ago in the past. America now suffers from a new set of diseases, commonly known as "diseases of affluence." Let's bring the focus back to America and our current trends of heart disease, diabetes, alzheimers, autism, parkinson's, gastritis etc.

From 1992 to 2006, soy food sales increased from $300 million to nearly $4 billion, according to the Soyfoods Association of North America. Genetically modified soy was introduced as a consumable food in 1994. So if one were to compare lifespan we may want to look at more recent data comparisons. Maybe comparisons over the last 20 years. We may find a link, however, if there is a link, I agree there can be NO scientific conclusion on GMO soy in the human world due to so many uncontrolled variables. However....

In a discussion I had with a supposed expert on GMO, he decided to look at livestock animals, since livestock animals are in an environment which is controlled. This expert claims that in the livestock arena, farmers are finding causal links, because they can manipulate one variable (GMOs) and keep all others constant. In the documentary, Genetic Roulette he shows how the GMOs appear to the cause many of the ailments which effect the livestock we eat and may affect humans, since we are also mammals.

According to what I am reading soy can be healthy if soy is not genetically modified and the soy is fermented. The following are fermented soy products I understand to be healthy.

Fermented Soy Products:
1. Natto
2. Tempeh
3. Miso
4. Fermented Soy sauce

Unfermented Soy Products or unhealthy:
1. Soybean Oil
2. Soy Milk
3. Tofu
4. Soy Protein Isolate (healthy shakes)
5. Baby Formula
6. Edamame
7. Veggie Burgers w/ soy
8. Soy Meal
9. Soy Flour
Don't you think that we will have more "heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer, Parkinson's, gastritis etc" with people living longer ? The number of people diagnosed with autism has increased dramatically since the 1980s, partly due to changes in diagnostic practice; the question of whether actual prevalence has increased is unresolved. Just because something is diagnosed more doesn't mean it's increased any.

And you did say that America was not living longer. And that was wrong.
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Then it would seem that the problem is not with soy but how it is prepared.

I agree... in part, it is how it is prepared. The other part is that it is now consumed (in a non-fermented form) in much greater quantities than ever before, by more people, because it is inexpensive for food producers to use.
I agree... in part, it is how it is prepared. The other part is that it is now consumed (in a non-fermented form) in much greater quantities than ever before, by more people, because it is inexpensive for food producers to use.
That is a problem it is proven to be toxic and is a growth inhibitor raw.

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