Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

That's about as bad as accepting free food from the government and throwing it away.

People that are used to being handed everything for free and don't pay a cent for medical care/abuse it.... Are the ones who need to suffer.

I agree with you except..... not everyone who doesn't pay for medical care abuses it or is handed everything. My husband makes good money working construction, and he works very hard. I am on disability for intractable epilepsy (up to 70 seizures per day) and with us and our two kids, we qualify for free health care (I have medicare because of the disability). We also qualify for monetary help and food stamps - both of which we refuse because we live as tight as possible and on a budget and we really don't need it (and definitely don't want it). The health care is the ONLY thing we take because we truly can not afford it and our children and ourselves do truly need it.

I am fully aware of the type of people you are referring to, and they anger me as well, but your wording bugged me and I'm not good at keeping my mouth shut.
Not taking your cousins' side, but my family has life threatening allergies (epi-pens) and I am not able to accept foods from people because of it. However I will often explain my reasons for saying no before having to say no, but thank you.
Some people still don't get it or insist I take it anyway and I must admit...once or twice I have taken something small (not like a baked supper or anything...just a bag of candy or some such) to avoid them having a meltdown or starting to cry. Then I always find someone who needs it and give it to them.

The allergies are the reason we cannot utilize school lunches or any of the meals being provided for school kids right now as well, which is a bummer.
I don't think this is such a bad thing... she does not throw it away, after all, instead she shares it with someone more needy than herself. This way she does not offend the giver by rejecting or refusing what is offered, and another person benefits. She actually sounds good-hearted and well-intentioned to me.

She is well intentioned, but she doesn't know many people that don't know the giver... her kids don't want it. So she gives the stuff to me half the time to give to the poultry because I can't eat it. ...or she waited too long and the bluegill are freezer burned.

Some stuff she does take to the church, and I have given her extra eggs to take to the church.. but she gives more to me even though I suggest it goes to the church
they officially cancelled college graduation for my DS today, and they cannot finish building their project.....instead they must complete their reports and online modeling from home and present electronically. He is crushed as he’s spent many 12-14 hour days on this build not to mention the thousands of $$ of his own money and allotted budget from the school and corporate partner. they were also supposed to have an article published by one of the parts suppliers. He’s very disappointed as i’m sure many seniors (high school and college) are right now!!
Agreed, Graidyn. I have serious mental illness and it's hard for me to work a "real" job worth any real amount of money and minimum wage doesn't provide enough to pay medical bills even with insurance. So I have the farm and my partners and we get by. But there's NO way I could afford a single doctors visit with what I make or what he makes but I need those visits not only to treat acute problems (like when I had pneumonia two years ago) but also to pay for my medication to prevent uterine fibroids so I don't need regular surgeries. Medicaid/HCAP also paid for my emergency appendectomy when I was 18 and working at a pet store, less than 6 months after moving out of my parents house. My parents were unemployed and couldn't pay for it. Obviously no way I could either.

My sister goes to school full time, works part time, used to do it in reverse, and at no point until she went on medicaid could she ever afford her medication. She has severe early onset RA. She has more healthcare now than she does working a "real" job and she hates it. She's very scared of when she finally has her degree and might not be able to afford to get a job and work.

My father was laid off during the recession despite working for a high end business for several years and having an electrical engineering degree from the best university in the state. For several years after that he was out of work. My parents worked hard to provide for us, cutting corners and even dumpster diving. But that's when my mom contracted cancer. The ACA didn't exist then so she just never went to see a doctor even though she KNEW she was sick. The money didn't exist. She just just lived with it until it got so bad she couldn't anymore. Literally. By the time she saw a doctor it was stage 4 and lethal within three months without treatment. We struggled for years to get her medical bills covered. The ACA passed during her treatment and it changed the funding for her treatment drastically and gave my father the time to learn to care for my mother better. More recently Medicaid covered his stroke.

The problem with healthcare that isn't well regulated is you will either pay everything you can to try to live or you will die. The market can't regulate it at all. :T That "free" healthcare literally has saved multiple lives in my family. It's sorely needed for an awful lot of people who work very hard. People shouldn't have to die just because they're born poor or live through hard times or even make a few bad choices and wealth is HARDLY a signifier of the worth or merit of an individual.
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It is mainly the people that are causing the problem, not the virus. I live in Maine and instantly when the first case was discovered in Maine, humanity broke apart. People rat stashed food, selfishly taking all the stuff for themselves, but what about the people that need food now? My cousin's baby almost starved because of how there was no more baby food at the store today, the good thing is that we have a blender and some apples. And seriously, why so much toilet paper? Do people crave to consume the paper of bottoms? I have seen people get more toilet paper over food and let me tell you, they get a lot of food. My school is shut down for who knows how long and I just want to... I don't know really... cry, dance, stay up all night, stay up all day like a normal person, become one with the chickens, for once act like a normal human, lose my humanity, gain my humanity, SLEEP for once, watch the concerning series of Game of Thrones, watch My Little Bronies and get killed by my siblings, do my daily crying, fail my online homework, pass my online homework, eat the snow till I die, burn the snow till it dies, burn and eat the snow till we both die? Oh, so many choices.
-Ps My teachers are still going to school even though I ain't, so I am moody, one is a Canadian and yet he still goes and I can't, reeeeeee. XD

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