Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Oh and on the subject at hand..... A serious note. We just found out that Galveston County just had a dept. With 8 folks pop positive for covid-19-mare and that dept. Will no longer allow public Access in that building according to their website. They will now be 100% remote/home/telephone/email until further notice. As far as I understand it. How do I know this fact? My wife showed me the notice.
I think of some folks as being 'Flat Earthers', myself. Only that's sort of funny, and this isn't.
Onthis subject I have (what I admit is a very humorous reality to me) a notorious Dentonite who is a flamboyant 'flat earther' so much so that he has had the city tell him to remove some of his "yard art" as it's distracting to traffic safety and pedestrian safety and stuff like that. Both his vehicles are painted up,stickers all over the entire vehicles as well ask painted about his YouTube site with "proof"....... Not to discount the neon spray painted stuff on his windows and outside walls of his house to this effact as well.

My kiddos are just as amused with him now as I am... Reason, they grasp the concepts he's spouting and they see the flaws in his logic. After all my kiddos have flown in airplanes and have seen for themselves the curvature of the earth out the Jets windows...... among other stuff.
Oh and on the subject at hand..... A serious note. We just found out that Galveston County just had a dept. With 8 folks pop positive for covid-19-mare and that dept. Will no longer allow public Access in that building according to their website. They will now be 100% remote/home/telephone/email until further notice. As far as I understand it. How do I know this fact? My wife showed me the notice.
OUCH! And so it begins ... again ... or rather, STILL! I hope your wife wasn't one of the ones in direct contact and can work from home.
OUCH! And so it begins ... again ... or rather, STILL! I hope your wife wasn't one of the ones in direct contact and can work from home.
Well, I hope she wasn't one of the public who went in there last week to talk about property taxes..... She works from home. Always has. Thanks bro'
Oh and on the subject at hand..... A serious note. We just found out that Galveston County just had a dept. With 8 folks pop positive for covid-19-mare and that dept. Will no longer allow public Access in that building according to their website. They will now be 100% remote/home/telephone/email until further notice. As far as I understand it. How do I know this fact? My wife showed me the notice.
Oh no! Are you guys going to have to go get tested now? Or has she and everything is ok?
Hugs, hugs, and more hugs!
Oh no! Are you guys going to have to go get tested now? Or has she and everything is ok?
Hugs, hugs, and more hugs!
I'm not betting that "we" will need to be tested as she hasn't said she actually went there while she was down on the island last week. We have been in email & phone dialogue with that dept, so..... I'm not too worried as she would of said something to memright after that given how protective she is about "my damaged lungs".....

But, I'll gladly thank you for the hugs. - I grew up in a *very* huggy family and well, I am sure you can guess how this covid-19-mare is doing to my huggy factor. /Sad sigh

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