Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

My apologies, I had said page 9 on my post above; it's actually page 10. That PDF is exactly what was linked in the CBS article, and the PDF is what a lot of the news sources I posted are citing. You're right; the CDC isn't explicitly named, but this is the part that's alarming from the report:

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The National Healthcare Safety Network site is managed by the CDC. Thus, when the report says "Don't report to the National Healthcare Safety Network", and in section 2 they only give directions on reporting to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) or 3rd party to HHS, you end up with the CDC getting bypassed entirely.
Conspiracy theories abound!! Just more confusion for us all. Try to endure this!
For anyone who is unaware, Johns Hopkins University has an excellent interactive map with a vast amount of data for anyone to see. They also have a Coronavirus resource center for information and recommendations.
Right now -
Global cases- 13,512,619
US cases-3,495,536

Last I checked Johns Hopkins wasn't known for pushing bogus medical information, so, no media needed to get accurate info.

JHU Interactive map

JHU resource home

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I just finished up Johns Hopkins a course on Covid-19 and contact tracking. It was VERY interesting and informative.
Here in TX my step-son told me last night that they seem to be leaning toward another lock down.

Side note, TX never plateaued it's still raising since the beginning. We just have a lot of folks who believe & act like this is some hoax. (Sad sigh) having damaged lungs from my tour in the Navy means I have to be extra careful & these folks whom I consider selfish and say that the mask concept is infringing on their 1st or 2nd amendment rights to be on the wrong side of facts, logic & history. I have sadly begun to think of them as Darwin award contenders. And yes, I have direct family who fall into this group I have nicknamed.

I also have friends that have lost direct family from this virus. I have IRL friends and family currently struggling to stay alive with this virus or coming out of it slowly.

I could add about Edward R Murrow or Walter Cronkite's as well as other current ones sound journalistic ethics etc..... But, (heavy sigh).....
........ We just have a lot of folks who believe & act like this is some hoax. (Sad sigh) having damaged lungs from my tour in the Navy means I have to be extra careful & these folks whom I consider selfish and say that the mask concept is infringing on their 1st or 2nd amendment rights to be on the wrong side of facts, logic & history. I have sadly begun to think of them as Darwin award contenders. And yes, I have direct family who fall into this group I have nicknamed.
I know, right? Only with this the Darwin award contenders are taking others down with them. Their lack of common sense, inability to apply sound logic, or plain toddler like behavior has a much deeper impact on others. At least true Darwin award recipients generally only eliminate themselves from the gene pool, and not too many others along with them.

For whatever reason I am reminded of the debates over seat belt laws. It was prudent and wise to use them but so many threw fits or whined about personal freedoms over them that eventually they had to be made into laws to save people from their own lack of common sense.

Sadly I don't think today's kids will grow up surrounded by a world where people giving the shirt off their backs to help others, or putting the needs of other's before their own, is the norm like it used to be. These days it's all about me me me. My freedoms. My rights. My wants. And to heck with anyone those desires might impact.

You bravely served our country and our freedoms, and I thank you for that. It's too bad some people can't show honor to the lives of others in gratitude for what they have.

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