Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I really believe covid has definitely affected the economy! They can the blame it on politics all they want, I'm sorry, many of us can see what covid is doing. People missing time on jobs and messing with others lives because of the missed time because of illness..airlines for one huge example. son being one.. that had to stay home with covid..his partner too because he's the one that gave it to him..the list goes on. It trickles quite a ways down as to who is and how the economy is affected.
I see that alot with the mom and pop restaurants around here. Alot have closed permanently. The mayor can't understand that after so many months of no patrons cause she went crazy on shutting stuff down why they can't just go back to normal like turning on a light switch. She says we're open come enjoy tourists and locals but in reality the city is so strict nobody wants to go.
Yeah, it's crazy. Half my friends think that the vaccine has a tracker in it.
These are the same people who refuse to sanitise, wear masks, anything. And of our other friends has Addison's disease. So she gets really, really sick. They 'hug' her in the IGA with no masks, or anything. They are endangering her.
Sorry, just had to rant. :hmm
These are the same people who refuse to sanitise, wear masks, anything. And of our other friends has Addison's disease. So she gets really, really sick. They 'hug' her in the IGA with no masks, or anything. They are endangering her.
Sorry, just had to rant. :hmm
If she felt in danger she could say no. You can not make people believe the way you do but you can ask them to respect how you feel. If a friend asked me not to be around them because I don't mask that would be the end of it I don't go there. I would call and still be friends but honor how they feel.
Remeber you never have to be where these people are.Take it on yourself to keep you as safe as you think you need to be.

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