Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Last I checked they don't want me giving blood because my partner is pansexual. I recently heard that got lifted to "as long as he hasn't had sex with a guy in a year" though so I may be able to give blood again. I know about 6 people who want to give blood but can't for similar reasons. They're married couples being actively turned away from the blood centers.
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Very nice today! Trees blooming, buds bursting, weeds growing like they are on steroids, neighbors mowing lawns...and the best of all...the mud is drying a little. We got hit seriously last month with way too much rain and the resulting floods were deadly. It's been overly rainy and muddy since last October so it was such a nice thing to see dry patches of ground today. Fingers crossed for more of that to come.
Oh, and the pollen counts are off the charts too. 🤧

Though it was a very mild winter this year, I'm still very glad spring is here! The roses liked the winter too and are taking off! I'm practically drooling in anticipation of big fat English blooms.
My roses are growing great right now
I am a universal donor with O - and cannot give blood as I have had Hepatitis A.
You might be able to?
"Hepatitis A is mainly spread by contaminated food and water. If you are infected with hepatitis A, you will likely experience symptoms of the disease (including jaundice, fatigue, and nausea). Once recovered, the virus will be fully cleared from your blood and protective antibodies will remain to prevent future infection.3

If you have ever had hepatitis A, there is nothing barring you from donating blood. If, however, you have signs of hepatitis, whatever the cause, you will not be allowed to donate until you have fully recovered."
Well, my girls (9 hens) and rooster laugh daily about all this business. They keep giving me eggs, and I keep giving them their food/water/scratch, and I have a nice whiskey while they cluck at me from their pen in the evenings.

Recently I traded a dozen eggs for probably about $20 worth of nails to complete my garden beds - the bartering economy has begun! OK maybe not really... but he did also ask me if I needed any ammunition for eggs too..? Really? Is it coming to that? I think not..!

Main differences for me are being a little more consistent with batching my shopping trips for necessities, keeping an eye on sanitation and whatnot, and getting back into bread-making (did you know natural yeast is easy to capture? Ask me how!)

But chances are we'll all get this virus sooner or later - so my advice, for anyone who's reading, is stay as healthy as possible and help us all to keep the spread as slow as possible while our country's infrastructure catches up with demand!

Seriously, though, my honest and sincere best wishes go out to any and all who are currently suffering, or who may be at risk, during this time.


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