Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Keeping all of you in my thoughts as you deal with this storm.

Pandemic and hurricane, who says The Maker doesn't have a sense of humor.

DH was watching me yesterday as I made out a HyVee Grocery Isles on Line order for a month's worth of perishables/meat/milk/ice cream....more ice cream. Yeah, you can see what is really important in our household. He commented that it was pretty convenient ordering groceries on line, then driving up to the store and having them load the order in the back of our van for us.

I have to admit that I don't miss grocery shopping in person at all. It saves me a lot of hassle doing it this way plus keeps us both safe. I told him I may probably never shop in person again thanks to the convenience and safety.I am 67 years old and on top of it immuno-compromised so I just don't need the risk.

Our pharmacy mails my RXs to me and between and Amazon Prime we are able to get things we want and need delivered to our gate.

The only thing I truly miss is going to the nearby Salvation Army and The Crossing thrift shops. I get most of my stay at home jeans and tops there at reasonable prices, find blankets for the dogs to lay on and whatever other 'junk to you treasures to me' that I can find. I really miss doing that but two years ago I got bronchitis/flu while in the Salvation Army so I was wearing a mask even before it became mandatory for survival.

Do I think things will ever get back to normal? No, unfortunately I don't but as long as I can order groceries on line and get everything delivered to the house I don't mind the new normal too much.
I like the new normal because I can get food delivered, feed delivered, and can stay in my own bubble.

I was already at a 'new reality'. Given the discord in this country and mass shooting incidents I was already entering any crowded situation with an eye on 'easy exits' just in case. I am 79 and the Princess is 76. We are in good health, but that is no guarantee. I have serious reservations about the long term efficacy of any vaccine against a coronavirus of any sort. Right now I am in a holding pattern - mask, social distancing/crowd avoidance. I am unable to envision dining in a restaurant, flying on a plane, taking mass transportation, going to a movie ------------ Frankly, I don't mind my 'new' existence as I am a bit of a hermit by nature. It's more difficult on the Gypsy Princess . 'Travelers' have to travel. We haven't seen our son or his family since Christmas. Grand daughters are arriving tomorrow so that the youngest can 'quarantine' here for two weeks before returning to college at Syracuse. Her sister will visit for a couple of days. Not seeing them is the hardest on us.
I've been trying to make up for lack of in person socialization by having lots of zoom calls with friends and family + weekly video gaming nights with some friends (over zoom once again) but I miss seeing people in person. It has been nice getting everything delivered though; major shoutout to everyone who works delivering the mail and getting groceries!!

My university has decided to really go full steam ahead on an in person opening, even going so far to say that if professors wish to, they don't need to give alternative assignments/assessments if the class is in person and a student can't make it to class. The concern from them doing so is palpable among the community, and I can only pray it's not as disastrous as it seems like it'll be. Thankfully my department is giving all classes remotely, so I'm not in danger, but we're definitely a rare case at the university.
I've been trying to make up for lack of in person socialization by having lots of zoom calls with friends and family + weekly video gaming nights with some friends (over zoom once again) but I miss seeing people in person. It has been nice getting everything delivered though; major shoutout to everyone who works delivering the mail and getting groceries!!

My university has decided to really go full steam ahead on an in person opening, even going so far to say that if professors wish to, they don't need to give alternative assignments/assessments if the class is in person and a student can't make it to class. The concern from them doing so is palpable among the community, and I can only pray it's not as disastrous as it seems like it'll be. Thankfully my department is giving all classes remotely, so I'm not in danger, but we're definitely a rare case at the university.
It will be a disaster. Another school tried to open and a couple summer camps... none faired well
Got all the birds fed and watered before the storm moves in, refilled the grit and oyster shell in the main coop, gave the quail some OS, replaced all the dirt boxes in the quail cages (which meant digging up lots of dirt and carrying full boxes back and forth to the cage 😂🤣:th), and unloaded a few feed bags into the shed.

Plus put the tarp back down on the side of the run so it stays drier, moved the Punk’s food inside to stay dry (and so hopefully the squirrels won’t eat it anymore), and got the eggs while I was out there and then I needed a shower cause sweat was running into my eyes 😂🤣🤢

Just ate and now gotta run back to the feed store real quick to get some stuff I forgot yesterday. Wanna put some fresh shavings in the coop.

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