Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I know 3 vaccinated people.
One is young and healthy working at the VA. No reactions at all.
One has a heart condition. Nausea and vomiting both doses with fatigue and pain. 1 day recovery on the first dose 2 day on the 2ND. Also has a history of strong reactions to flu vaccines.
Third is a doctor in LA who had mild reactions to flu vaccines. His first shot he threw up after eating rich food and was sick for 1 day. 2ND dose he took it easier and felt bad but didn't throw up and was better in a day.

All three were Pfizer. All three said they'd do it again.
Oh! And my sister got it in a trial! She had serious arm pain for 1 day and mild soreness for one day after.

It seems like whatever reaction you have to vaccines normally is cranked up to 11 with this shot but goes away in 1-3 days. I'm expecting to lose use of my arm for 1-2 days like my sister did. Our plan is to have each of the 3 people in our house get it on a different half week. That way we're not all down for the count at the same time and can manage our animals and garden uninterrupted.
Also, I want yall to see this.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here. But wear your masks and wash your hands! And maaaaaybe just maybe wear them if you're sick after this year too? Because wow.
I'm happy to hear that reactions to conventional flu vaccines are an indicator. I've never had any reaction so perhaps I can look forward to an easy go of it.

I got a note from my health care system today. They're still vaccinating elderly people in residence and health care workers including any health care worker from outside their system who presents for the shots. When they get through that they'll advise when civilians can expect to get vaccinated.

Once upon a time I (73) thought I'd be second tier after the 75+ group. Now that it's 65+ I assume some kind of rush. I guess I'll just have to wait to see what to do. ...tho I'm sure they'll endeavor to make it as orderly and low contact as their testing has been. So I should stay hopeful.
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And this is a multi state count of norovirus cases from the CDC. :0 Looks familiar.

We can be doing better even when there isn't a pandemic.
DH and I have already decided to continue to be maskers. Neither of us ever felt comfortable in crowds so at least now we’re know we’re not just socially awkward! :gig
Do people who had a Covid vaccination have to stay in the vaccination centre for ½ hour in the US too? They do this where I live because very few people get a allergic shock and this way they can get the medicines in time and be safe.

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