Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Another point. If someone is getting government funded healthcare (Medicare or Medicaid) in the US, shouldn’t the person be required to get vaccinated since the country (citizens) are paying for it if that person were to get sick from covid? That theoretically would protect that individual from getting very sick & save the US tax dollars for paying for their care.
Another point. If someone is getting government funded healthcare (Medicare or Medicaid) in the US, shouldn’t the person be required to get vaccinated since the country (citizens) are paying for it if that person were to get sick from covid? That theoretically would protect that individual from getting very sick & save the US tax dollars for paying for their care.
Well when medicare started, they claimed what we paid in yearly would cover the future costs :gig so IF that was true, we already paid for it
Another point. If someone is getting government funded healthcare (Medicare or Medicaid) in the US, shouldn’t the person be required to get vaccinated since the country (citizens) are paying for it if that person were to get sick from covid? That theoretically would protect that individual from getting very sick & save the US tax dollars for paying for their care.
But they also paid into it their whole life. And continue to pay (monthly premiums, deductibles, co-pays, etc.).
But they also paid into it their whole life. And continue to pay (monthly premiums, deductibles, co-pays, etc.).
Not everyone receiving Medicare has worked, although the majority did. Medicaid has no previous work requirement.

Do you think the vaccine should be optional for receiving those benefits?
It should be personal choice for all, my opinion.
The only reason I brought it up is because a bunch of nurses in my area in NYS walked out this week because they refused to get the now-mandated vaccine for healthcare workers in NyS. NYC teachers have a case going to the Supreme Court because they are now being told they have to be vaccinated (& NYC public schools are notoriously short on certified teachers). I agree with you that it should be personal choice. What I don’t understand is why it is mandated for those teachers and nurses, (who are not eligible for disability if they are fired for not getting vaccinated), but there are residents receiving benefits and free healthcare and there is no requirement. I think it should be one way across the board, but personal choice is my preferred stance.
We had a bunch of local hospital nurses walk out earlier this week because they refused the newly mandated vaccine. Yet you can get unemployment without a vaccine card? People who want to work without it are being punished but if you want to stay unemployed and receive government assistance there’s no requirement. I just don’t get it. If my family wasn’t here I’d leave NY.
I want special vaccination outreach efforts to the unemployed and homeless just as much as you do. (you do know that those efforts cost some money, yes?)

That being said, the nurses in your local area who walked out will be probably be on that very same unemployment line really soon. The nurses that I have read who refused to be vaccinated are not covered by unemployment, because they have been fired. They were fired for violating a workplace safety directive.
This was sitting above my work station yesterday at work. And yes, I remember the Smallpox and Polio vaccines.:oldView attachment 2852789
Many doctors in my health care tout to recommend to get the vaccine…I don’t understand the hesitancy. It WAY better to NOT end up in the ICU!

In my area, majority are against the vaccine. But many of them end up in the ICU than the vaccinated.
I have gotten lots of bad advice from medical doctors. Like you can’t reverse type 2 diabetes. You can reverse it with diet. I have.
Not anti vacc here either, I was vaccinated no biggie, just have questions and they don't seem to have honest answers.
Just supposed to 'trust them'.
They can't seem to get anything straight, they say it's because the 'science is evolving' but when it comes to the vaccine 'the science is settled'.

"The Axios-Ipsos poll released Tuesday (last month)found that 53 percent of respondents said they didn’t have very much trust or no trust at all in this administration to provide accurate information about the coronavirus."

Then we hear how filled up hospitals are ;

Our Most Reliable Pandemic Number Is Losing Meaning​

A new study suggests that almost half of those hospitalized with COVID-19 have mild or asymptomatic cases. There are many COVID patients in the hospital with fairly mild symptoms, too, who have been admitted for further observation on account of their comorbidities, or because they reported feeling short of breath. Another portion of the patients in this tally are in the hospital for something unrelated to COVID, and discovered that they were infected only because they were tested upon admission.
Did they need treatment for COVID, or was there some other reason for admission, like cancer treatment or a psychiatric episode, and the COVID diagnosis was merely incidental?

Then we hear on most the news channels, MSM, hospitals two different states two different stories Oklahoma and Louisiana overwhelmed with horse wormer over doses they couldn't even treat gunshot victims. There is even a thread here BYC on it.
It was all fake news completely made up, the hospitals in question said they were not treating a single person for it not one and no one was being denied service.
They should remove that thread or let everyone know it was fake news. Who is behind all this fear mongering?

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