Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Not all unemployed are homeless.
Certainly not. Most unemployed folks live either by themselves or with family members or friends in apartments, houses, townhouses, condominiums, etc.

Let me clarify a couple of things. Had a tech glitch last night, which is why I abruptly left the conversation.

Getting the COVID shot(s) is NOT an extensive process that is in any way comparable to buying a home or renting an apartment. That is regarding the police example of being grandfathered in regarding living in the town or city where they work. The shot is free and the process does not take long.

Second, the person who was demanding that unvaccinated nurses who refuse to be vaccinated be "grandfathered in" with regard to new vaccination requirements goes on a wild tear about how can we require unemployed people to be vaccinated.

I would pretty much agree with requiring unemployed people to be vaccinated to receive benefits, as long as we don't do the "grandfathering in" nonsense with anybody.

However, there's another problem. It takes quite a bit of money to reach out to all the unemployed people. Some of this outreach is easy - just checking for vaccination cards for those who have been conscientious and have saved their card.

However, people sometimes lose things, and there have also been problems with fraudulent cards, even among state troopers!

The people who want this requirement are almost all the time in the same party that isn't willing to spend that money for public health. Public health departments are already very underfunded.
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Certainly not. Most unemployed folks live either by themselves or with family members or friends in apartments, houses, townhouses, condominiums, etc.

Let me clarify a couple of things. Had a tech glitch last night, which is why I abruptly left the conversation.

Getting the COVID shot(s) is NOT an extensive process that is in any way comparable to buying a home or renting an apartment. That is regarding the police example of being grandfathered in regarding living in the town or city where they work. The shot is free and the process does not take long.

Second, the person who was demanding that unvaccinated nurses who refuse to be vaccinated be "grandfathered in" with regard to new vaccination requirements goes on a wild tear about how can we require unemployed people to be vaccinated.

I would pretty much agree with requiring unemployed people to be vaccinated to receive benefits, as long as we don't do the "grandfathering in" nonsense with anybody.

However, there's another problem. It takes quite a bit of money to reach out to all the unemployed people. Some of this outreach is easy - just checking for vaccination cards for those who have been conscientious and have saved their card.

However, people sometimes lose things, and there have also been problems with fraudulent cards, even among state troopers!

The people who want this requirement are almost all the time in the same party that isn't willing to spend that money for public health. Public health departments are already very underfunded.
I wasn’t demanding that nurses get grandfathered in. I stated that they “could” be grandfathered in. I would personally rather be seen by an unvaccinated nurse then wait 8 hours in the ER because they have no staffing. I think it’s funny that my opinion was described as a “wild tear.”

Secondly, in order to qualify for benefits, there are many paperwork requirements, and recertification requirements. Also mailings that go out to recipients on a regular basis. One new requirement could be providing a copy of a vaccine card. I don’t think extensive amounts of outreach would need to happen. Include it on paystubs, the unemployment website, etc.

Finally, the same party that is calling for women’s choice is taking away choice of those currently working who obviously do not feel like the vaccine is safe. We know the vaccine is not effective at preventing someone from spreading or getting covid.

You have no idea what my political affiliation is, and it shouldn’t matter. If people can’t civilly communicate regarding differing opinions, what is the point. Diversity and tolerance of those who differ from you, whether it be upbringing, political opinion, background, employment status, gender, or race should be encouraged. I feel like my opinion is being attacked and isn’t welcome.
Can't read all that's been said..catch up. Just wondered how your family and friends are? I have two children that came down with it. Not vaccinated. Now, two older grandchildren .. not vaccinated. This stuff spreads line wildfire. They got pretty sick. Two kids, no hospital. Grandkids just started it. The first to get it says she feels horrible. I want to post something one of my NICU nurse daughters messaged me. Have to go copy it.
We were talking about the Covid since it's two of her daughters, our grandchildren, that have it ...... "It's getting people so randomly. Weird... We didn't have it with the babies with regular COVID,,, but this Delta variant we have a section blocked off for COVID babies and parents can't visit babies till they have negative tests."
Can't read all that's been said..catch up. Just wondered how your family and friends are? I have two children that came down with it. Not vaccinated. Now, two older grandchildren .. not vaccinated. This stuff spreads line wildfire. They got pretty sick. Two kids, no hospital. Grandkids just started it. The first to get it says she feels horrible. I want to post something one of my NICU nurse daughters messaged me. Have to go copy it.
Sorry they got it and prayers the grandkids get well soon
Can't read all that's been said..catch up. Just wondered how your family and friends are? I have two children that came down with it. Not vaccinated. Now, two older grandchildren .. not vaccinated. This stuff spreads line wildfire. They got pretty sick. Two kids, no hospital. Grandkids just started it. The first to get it says she feels horrible. I want to post something one of my NICU nurse daughters messaged me. Have to go copy it.
Hope they get better soon. :hugs
Can't read all that's been said..catch up. Just wondered how your family and friends are? I have two children that came down with it. Not vaccinated. Now, two older grandchildren .. not vaccinated. This stuff spreads line wildfire. They got pretty sick. Two kids, no hospital. Grandkids just started it. The first to get it says she feels horrible. I want to post something one of my NICU nurse daughters messaged me. Have to go copy it.

We were talking about the Covid since it's two of her daughters, our grandchildren, that have it ...... "It's getting people so randomly. Weird... We didn't have it with the babies with regular COVID,,, but this Delta variant we have a section blocked off for COVID babies and parents can't visit babies till they have negative tests."
Thats so scary. Hope they recover quickly.
Personally I think we need more clarity what going on with covid vaccine effectiveness. Is it really losing potency to protect us? or the media saying vaccinated people getting infected are in fact false.
It is not the MEDIA saying stuff, they don't make stuff up. They quote authorities from the CDC and the FDA. Spokespersons from those agencies go on the news outlets and are interviewed by the media, who ask pertinent questions and get answers FROM these authorities.

Saying the media "says" this or that is like, if you read a quote from Dr So-and-so in a book, then you turn around and say, "I can't trust what I read in that book, it's only ink and paper, and you know it could be full of lies because I read a book about a girl named Cinderella once and it turned out it wasn't true. Books lie."

The "media" is journalists reporting the news, REPORTING what is happening. Yeah, there have been people who did not like it when journalists pulled back the curtain on their nefarious dealings, and tried to cover their deeds by crying, "it wasn't me," or "it didn't happen," in spite of all evidence to the contrary, or yell, "Lies, lies, fake news," or, as in the Wizard of Oz, "Don't look behind the curtain," but honest journalists report the TRUTH, no matter who doesn't like it.

It is not the media saying the vaccine loses potency. The media is reporting that DOCTORS and the CDC and the companies that MADE the vaccine and those who are studying the efficacy of the vaccine are saying it is losing its potency. Don't shoot the messenger!
The problem is that it costs MONEY to do vaccine outreach to a mobile population like unemployed people. It costs a lot of money to find these people and to get them vaccinated.

The only easy place you could "catch" an unemployed person who is receiving benefits to give them a shot would probably be in the benefits office itself. Employers who receive resumes don't register job applicants in their workforce until the person is hired, so workplaces would not work.

What if the unemployment office were in Texas or Florida, where anti-vaxxers are the governors and would prohibit such an outreach effort in state unemployment offices?

Think about it. Generally, the same people who would feel this sort of resentment against unemployed people and who make this sort of demand are not willing to foot the bill to get this job done, worthy as it would be. Once again, THIS COSTS MONEY.

People who aren't receiving unemployment benefits are much harder and more expensive to "catch" to get them vaccinated. That's a Ph.D. thesis in shoe-leather epidemiology.
The governors of texas and florida are not antivaxxers. You are mis informed.
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