Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Louisiana was a hotbed of Covid cases for months. Now my regional hospital has shut down the covid floors and they are on the 'floor' with the other patients. (Private room, gown and n95 mask.) Even New Orleans dropped it's masked requirements.
I’m nervous for the rebound. Hope y’all do okay in your hospital, I have several friends here in Baton Rouge who said working the Covid floors was living hell.
I'm sure, putting their life in the hands of people they are helping.

one kid they didn't have one made up said could catch up when they come back.
I'm sure that will be NOT easy!

We ended up going on Youtube
Thank goodness for the web, you can learn most anything you need to know there.
I’m nervous for the rebound. Hope y’all do okay in your hospital, I have several friends here in Baton Rouge who said working the Covid floors was living hell.
I think part of the problem is people cant get in to see their normal doctor. Ive been waiting on a doctor appointment since last month. They couldnt get me in until december 3rd. My root canal took 2 months and I have to wait until January to follow up with my dentist. Everything is booked solid so people have no choice but to go to the ER.

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