Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Reading the Bible with an open mind gives you an understanding of the will of God, which might be different in practice that the traditions that were taught for well over 400 years now. The Amish are germanic in origin. Martin Luther King Jr. is a hero in the older generation of Amish for his translation of the Luther German Bible which most of them still use in worship services. There are a few districts that will preach in english if they have english speaking visitors.
I don't know if the Amish split from the Lutherans. I'm not much of a historian.
Jacob Ammon is commonly referenced for starting the Amish group we know of today. The Amish actually split off from a Mennonite group, commonly known as followers of one by the name Menno Simons. There are various others that I don't have names for right now that were also involved in getting these groups started.
This link is a decent history on the different groups and subgroups within the larger group.
I'm learning so much amazing things. Thank you for this wealth of information! :bow
Do you remember a time when mtv had music? Pepperidge farm remembers. Do you remember a time before woke meant easily offended? Pepperidge farm remembers:gig
Yes I actually do. And pop up video on vh1 lol. Talk about Pepperidge farm man I really like thier coconut cakes in the cooler section. And And the original chocolate instant breakfast by carnation. It's definitely not the same today.
Does anybody know what percentage of the world has had COVID? I found an article that said 57%.
I don’t think we can know for sure. Based off the # of (reported) cases recorded on worldometers and the 7.9 bil population the number comes out to 5.8% of the world population. But that’s only reported cases. Then you factor in the cases that weren’t tested (or you know places like N.K which claim 0 cases…) there will never be concrete data. In the State I live in 27% of the population has had reported infection. (I know of at least 2 people that have had reinfections though, so the case/pop doesn’t work either). I know estimated infections were even higher than reported.
A study published before September 2021 estimates 31 percent of the U.S. population had been infected with SARS-CoV-2 by the end of 2020. "Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health researchers modeled the spread of the coronavirus, finding that fewer than one-quarter of infections (22%) were accounted for in cases confirmed through public health reports based on testing..."


That was before Delta or Omicron started.

Deaths from corvid in 2021 about equaled deaths in 2020, but treatment improved so it seems safe to assume a greater percentage of the population got it in 2021 than 2020.... so something over 60% of the US have had covid.

I know you asked world-wide. I don't have more than a wild guess for that. My wild guess is something higher than the US.... because most of the world lives in greater contact with more people and has been less able and/or less willing to distance.

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