Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Hospitals are being run like corporations..for profit. Too many patients/per nurse. Too many hours and shifts. The average age of a nurse is 60/65. Retirement age… add the closing of small rural hospitals (consolidation)and people having to travel 50+ miles to get to a hospital. Some states DID NOT expand medicare..critically ill people are under insured or uninsured so the cost of care falls on those small rural hospitals and increases closings. This is a complex problem that did not happen overnight. God bless all those nurses and allied health personnel who hung in there treating people under harsh conditions putting their own health at risk to do it.
Anyone w Covid can spread it. Afraid of unvaccinated? No. I did not say that. Don’t assume you can answer for me.
I don't assume anything about you except that you're scared to death of a cold virus, think a piece of cloth will stop a .124 micron particle, your willing to quit your job for two years and expect others to do the same, believe an experimental mRNA with insufficient testing can save you from said cold virus, however in three years you have reservations about whether you've been exposed or not.

I'm just going to continue living my life. 😄
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The vaccine has prevented people from developing severe cases of COVID requiring hospitalization. But it won’t help you if you don’t take it.
No way to substantiate that value judgment.

I didn't get the jibby jabby and I didn't get Covid either, even though I was 800 yards away from patient zero on the day he died.

Strange that it took them three years to actually identify him. You'd think that they would have interviewed the care staff, the coroner, or the director of the institution where he died. Instead, the Governor announced it 120 miles away. Very strange.

Also strange was how the CDC swept 40k deaths out of the seasonal flu column and added them to the Wuhans column cira April 2020. On top of that, the Plandemic was announced long before there was enough numbers to justify said proclamation.

None of it follows any order of logical procedure or common sense.
My husband and I have the long covid also. After 2 years of extreme fatigue, brain fog, chest pains, unable to breathe, shaky legs... well you know the symptoms. Started taking ivermectin and the difference is night and day. Try it darlin, what have you got to lose. Get it from your doctor ($100), get it from the feed store ($28), its all the same thing. dosage is not hard to figure out.
Oh. It's no longer just for horses?

It's been approved for human use for over 50 years, recommended by the WHO, but was suddenly only for horses during the pandemic, now it's okay again. Go figure.
Hospitals are being run like corporations..for profit. Too many patients/per nurse. Too many hours and shifts. The average age of a nurse is 60/65. Retirement age… add the closing of small rural hospitals (consolidation)and people having to travel 50+ miles to get to a hospital. Some states DID NOT expand medicare..critically ill people are under insured or uninsured so the cost of care falls on those small rural hospitals and increases closings. This is a complex problem that did not happen overnight. God bless all those nurses and allied health personnel who hung in there treating people under harsh conditions putting their own health at risk to do it.
I did my part by being healthy, therefore not contributing to the problem of people treating their bodies like a rental car and expecting someone else to repair the damage.
Do I get a rebate?

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