Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

To each their own. Four friends and three family members died with Covid. All were unvaccinated. I know that some have purportedly had vaccine problems - not my wife and I or our kids and grandkids.

:idunnoTo each their own. I try not to proselytize.
I'm at the point where I just do the annual vaccine now along with my flu shot. I agree to each their own. I got covid 2 years ago even with the vaccine and even though it was far milder than without one my asthma has gotten worse. Skip to allergy season and summertime temps masks suffocate me and I get a lot of flack. I mask in doctor's offices and all the time during the fall and winter. It seems like one never wins. I lost several friends and family too.
If only people had said each to their own. This experimental vax was being forced on people so they could keep their jobs. I know of at least 4 that died of heart attacks within a few months of getting vacced. Know a lot more that were diagnosed with cancer in less that a year of being vaxced. My grandchildren, my children, my wife, and i are all unvaccinated .
I did not get any of the vaccines myself. I had covid when it first started and then got it again at Christmas time this past year then again at Easter just a few months ago. I did well with it all three times but I know myself that my lungs are not as good as they used to be. I am in the older generation so I am Blessed to have survived it all three times. My Sister who was vaccinated almost died with covid and her unvaccinated Husband did die. I feel it should have been a matter of choice whether or not to get the vaccine for everybody. I have terrible side effects from drugs. My Son who got his first flu shot had a stroke. Vaccines are not for everybody.
. I know of at least 4 that died of heart attacks within a few months of getting vacced.
Getting such health problems after covid vaccination is rarely caused by the vaccinations.

The fact that heart attacks (myocarditis or pericarditis) occurs after vaccination does not mean that the vaccine is always the cause. In my country 3 suspected death occurred.
(18 million people in NL)
Studies show that the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis due to a COVID-19 infection is larger than the chance of getting heart problems after a covid vaccination.

Cancer is not known at all as a cause of the vaccination.

Lareb is a trustworthy and independent research institute in NL. This page ⤵️ gives an overview of all problems that occurred in the Netherlands (in Dutch, you can easily translate it with Google or AI):

Page on heart problems after covid vaccination:
If only people had said each to their own. This experimental vax was being forced on people so they could keep their jobs. I know of at least 4 that died of heart attacks within a few months of getting vacced. Know a lot more that were diagnosed with cancer in less that a year of being vaxced. My grandchildren, my children, my wife, and i are all unvaccinated .
I was okay with the Johnson and Johnson jab but Pfizer makes me sick every time. I'm looking into novavax because my mom has lupus and I want to protect her. I'm not antivax but I was just diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis younger than anyone in my family and sometimes I wonder if it was the Pfizer jab. I'm only 45 and no one in my family has been diagnosed under 60-65.
No. But cases seem to be milder
Sort of. Depends what strain and how succeptable you are. I had it real bad early 2020 before we knew what it was, barely made it and still have issues. 2021 I got j& j, only one I trusted. (Made like flu shot). Next was mild, like a head cold. 2022 none at all. Got cocky, july '23 I puked for 3 days straight constantly. So it was really severe, but not 2 weeks of it??? I think omnicron. So far so good '24 but nose tingly so possible I'm having another mild case.

Imo it comes down to your genes how you handle it; mrna are *very* good at replicating. I was certain that those would trigger people who were succeptable and imo it did. I got my long hauler syndrome from the virus itself pre vax but I know others who might've reacted to it. Diabetes and some heart conditions, are now considered autoimmune conditions so I have autoimmune stuff on both sides of my family so I didn't get great genes. I rarely get sick outside of this, so is a mystery to me still.??? At any rate I learned I'm not invincable. On the bright side since 2020 I have not had 1 winter cold . Long haul syndrome sucks but I'm managing it.
For those that get it bad like I do, so far claritin during resperitory part then dramamine for throwing up part seems to be what helps me. I also started taking the p73 oregano oil tabs from north american (? I want to say herb and spice) really does seem to help too if I start at first symptoms. I thought it was hokey until I tried it. :) Not ok for everyone, obviously research it to make sure you can have it if you go that route. I'm not opposed to ivermectin but alot of long haulers tried it to no use. I've got it on me treating birds and my stomach wasn't happy so I shy away. Some have had success with nicotine patches, and supposably nicotine binds to the same receptors as covid and everyone I know that's a smoker breezed through this??? Not enough to make me a smoker but interesting I think.

As to long hauler stuff I continue to try things. It all seems to be rooted in chronic inflammation, especially the lungs (makes heart work harder) but not showing on bloodwork. The only time I was free of it was a week I had prednisone for poison ivy. Forgot how hyper I used to be :( Ihave POTs symptoms, controlling hr + electrolytes is what I do. I miss being able to be active without getting "sick".

I been off here a long time but if any fellow covid long haulers want to say hi I'd be happy.
everyone I know that's a smoker breezed through this??? Not enough to make me a smoker but interesting I think.
I was a vaper until I got covid. Coughing my brains out and I couldn't vape, even though I tried 😂. Nov 2020 I got sick and coughed for weeks. O2 was 90 until February. My current LC symptoms are fatigue, brain fog and everything smells like petroleum product.
I was a vaper until I got covid. Coughing my brains out and I couldn't vape, even though I tried 😂. Nov 2020 I got sick and coughed for weeks. O2 was 90 until February. My current LC symptoms are fatigue, brain fog and everything smells like petroleum product.
Did your dr give you an inhaler? Mine told me that when the lungs are inflammed, it makes water in the lungs. Sometimes it turns to pneumonia and sometimes it just turns to ick and plugs them up. I read some knarly stuff about what people coughed up sometimes a whole year after the fact. Brain fog honestly the most helpful thing was an anti inflammatory diet: no wheat, milk, soy, nuts, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers; certain other healthy otherwise things like spinach greens (was eating salads thinking it was healthy). No sugar either. Smaller meals spaced closer together; kind of like a diabetic food plan. I drew the line at coffee. It's a no-no too but my God what was left???! It took me from what was an awful lot like alzeimers (I got less than 50% on brain test on a good day no less) to my normal adhd forgetting. (Never 100%, but back to baseline).

I am eating normal now but alot less of these things. I try to be mindful when I do. Spinach dip and potato chips turned out to be a huge trigger, along with cashews 😢

Fatigue, that is the one constant. Less with time and ldn, supplements to reduce inflammation but never gone. In the beginning I was losing whole days, nearly lost job.

Sending good vibes, this thing is a beast. Hopefully you find something that makes it bearable.
Did your dr give you an inhaler? Mine told me that when the lungs are inflammed, it makes water in the lungs. Sometimes it turns to pneumonia and sometimes it just turns to ick and plugs them up. I read some knarly stuff about what people coughed up sometimes a whole year after the fact. Brain fog honestly the most helpful thing was an anti inflammatory diet: no wheat, milk, soy, nuts, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers; certain other healthy otherwise things like spinach greens (was eating salads thinking it was healthy). No sugar either. Smaller meals spaced closer together; kind of like a diabetic food plan. I drew the line at coffee. It's a no-no too but my God what was left???! It took me from what was an awful lot like alzeimers (I got less than 50% on brain test on a good day no less) to my normal adhd forgetting. (Never 100%, but back to baseline).

I am eating normal now but alot less of these things. I try to be mindful when I do. Spinach dip and potato chips turned out to be a huge trigger, along with cashews 😢

Fatigue, that is the one constant. Less with time and ldn, supplements to reduce inflammation but never gone. In the beginning I was losing whole days, nearly lost job.

Sending good vibes, this thing is a beast. Hopefully you find something that makes it bearable.
The Dr didn't want to see me at first and said if O2 dropped below 90 to go to the hospital. I had several friends that didn't come out of the hospital, I almost called an ambulance one night though... but I made it. A couple years later I went to the Dr and they couldn't find anything wrong. Waste of energy .
As far as food
I haven't had wheat or cows milk since 2012..
When I got it I ate what I had in the freezer: poultry, berries, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots... plus eggs, can salmon... until spring.
Actually v-8 is helpful for me.
I also eat store bought goat yogurt.

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