Corturnix Quail Male x Female Ratio


Free Ranging
8 Years
Mar 20, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
My males started crowing about a week ago. I’m wondering when my females might begin to lay? Also I took out some extra males because my male to female ratio was pretty bad. Wanted to nip it in the bud before my females got picked on. I left it with two males and seven females in a 3x6 foot pen. Does that sound okay?
My males started crowing about a week ago. I’m wondering when my females might begin to lay? Also I took out some extra males because my male to female ratio was pretty bad. Wanted to nip it in the bud before my females got picked on. I left it with two males and seven females in a 3x6 foot pen. Does that sound okay?
The earliest they start laying is 6 weeks.

Depending on your males it might work but it might not. When it doesn’t work it can happen very quickly, make sure you have somewhere to put one of the males incase they start fighting. I had 3 males and 10 females in a 2ft by 8ft cage for about a year before they started fighting
The earliest they start laying is 6 weeks.

Depending on your males it might work but it might not. When it doesn’t work it can happen very quickly, make sure you have somewhere to put one of the males incase they start fighting. I had 3 males and 10 females in a 2ft by 8ft cage for about a year before they started fighting
Good to know! I’ll just continue to keep an eye on them daily - as I have been - and just monitor the flock. As of right now the two males have actually been hanging out and dust bathing together, but you never know! Would one male for seven hens provide a decent fertility, you think? I plan on hatching their eggs.
Good to know! I’ll just continue to keep an eye on them daily - as I have been - and just monitor the flock. As of right now the two males have actually been hanging out and dust bathing together, but you never know! Would one male for seven hens provide a decent fertility, you think? I plan on hatching their eggs.
It will probably give you decent fertility, I think it is a common ratio. But it does depends on your male again, I have one male with three females one of the females is his favourite, I am not even sure he breeds the other two, so fertility is not the best in his pen
It will probably give you decent fertility, I think it is a common ratio. But it does depends on your male again, I have one male with three females one of the females is his favourite, I am not even sure he breeds the other two, so fertility is not the best in his pen
Ah. Good to know. Guess it will just be trial and error and see how things play out. Thank you again for the advice. I appreciate it!

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