Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

i assume you mean cull/prepair?

edited to add...after i cut the head off i let it bleed out upside down on wire (or in my hand) for a bit make sure ya keep the wings held or it will spray everywhere

I take the bird, wrap it on the back of the head to stun it then i snip the head off....I just grab a handful of feathers on the breast area and pull and skin and all comes off (im not a skin person), and I just pull and pick off as much as I can (be careful you can pull the bird apart)....then I snip off the wings and legs, and right below the ribs I snip about a 1 inch snip below each rib....theni stick my fingers in both holes at the same time and pull down...this takes out all the intestines and normally pulls out the vent area too if not i just snip it off. Theni rumage around for the heart and stuff...essofocus....and im done!

some day i''ll have hubby gagging as he takes pictures while i butcher LOL! he can butcher a deer but birds make him sick go figure lol
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Yes, photos of the process would be great. I have dressed quail in the past, but many years ago.

If I recall correctly, we would slit open the body all the way up the back. From your description, you don't do this. Is it easy enough to clean out the body cavity without opening up the entire carcass.
I do it a little differently. I wrap the bird in a towel so only the head is exposed and lay it on the cutting board. With the chef's knife, I quickly cut the head off, then hold it upside down to let it bleed out. Doesn't take long at all. I scald as you would with chickens, cut the wings off, then pluck, being careful not to tear the skin (it's very thin). Using a sharp pointed knife and poultry shears, I cut off the oil gland and around the vent, cutting a little bit up towards the breastbone in the front but not much; just enough to get my little hands in there. I pull out the intestines and everything else I can get, then cut the neck further down. Reaching in either through the neck or the other end, scoop out the lungs and the esophagus. Cut the legs off at the joint, rinse, and repeat.

I like to leave them whole and with the skin on and package with the Foodsaver. Depending on what I'm cooking, I can skin or debone from there.
Interesting! I like hearing everyones methods. I'm hoping people share them on my newest post too (processing coturnix)
I made it because of this post and because a friend asked me if i knew of a good processing site
Actually, yes! I pulled big clumps for my quail, and they ate all the grass and thoroughly enjoyed picking through the clump.
I found *one* lone clump of grass far under a rose bush today. I got all excited to be gardening, until I had a clump in my hand and had to figure out the "what now??" of what to do with it when I remembered the chickens ould like it. that in turn had me thinking about te quail-to-be and what they'd like.

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