Coverup lotion for broken nail?


Master of the 'never give up' attitude
Jan 19, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
Hello :frow
I have a Leghorn who managed to tear a nail at some point this morning. She was steadily dripping blood and covered in her own blood from the top of her head to her toe.
The nail is half on, half off. The bottom side of the nail is mostly broken off.
I have her in a clean isolation crate.
Tomorrow I will flush the nail with Vetericyn. Corn starch didn't stop the bleeding and I couldn't find blood stop powder at any open store today.
So I got Rooster Booster Pick-No-More Coverup Lotion

It is THICK. I'm thinking I can use it to at least coat the broken nail and help stop infection/interest from flockmates. I'm thinking it might also aid in healing? Thoughts?
That stuff is good for keeping the other chickens away, don't know about stopping bleeding.

My chickens absolutely hated that stuff. I've coated a few pecked wounds with it. One peck, and that stuff gets on their beak. Then they will vigorously try wiping the stuff off their beak. None of em came back for a second peck.

One of mine broke a toenail off last week. It bled all over the backyard before I found out. Luckily, I had some styptic powder. I jabbed the toe into the powder and 75% of bleeding stopped almost immediately. I had to coat it again about 10 minutes later when the chicken knocked the powder off.

I Highly recommend folks pick up a little jar of that stuff and keep it handy. Having a bleeding chicken running around can be very stressful if you can't get the bleeding under control.
If the broken nail is just 'hanging on' it may help to remove the broken portion with a pair of dog nail clippers. It may bleed initially, but there will no longer be the irritation of the broken portion moving back and forth.
I'll take pictures tomorrow and see if that's plausible.
That stuff is good for keeping the other chickens away, don't know about stopping bleeding.

My chickens absolutely hated that stuff. I've coated a few pecked wounds with it. One peck, and that stuff gets on their beak. Then they will vigorously try wiping the stuff off their beak. None of em came back for a second peck.

One of mine broke a toenail off last week. It bled all over the backyard before I found out. Luckily, I had some styptic powder. I jabbed the toe into the powder and 75% of bleeding stopped almost immediately. I had to coat it again about 10 minutes later when the chicken knocked the powder off.

I Highly recommend folks pick up a little jar of that stuff and keep it handy. Having a bleeding chicken running around can be very stressful if you can't get the bleeding under control.
I know that is what I need to use, but all stores carrying it were already closed. And they won't be open tomorrow because of the holiday.
My flock is full of geriatric chickens. The older and heavier chickens get, the more likely they will start losing their nails. Most of the time, they are jumping up or down from somewhere and the nail breaks off. Most chickens bleed a little and then it clots.

However, very recently my Cream Legbar roo broke his nail and it was bleeding heavily. He has had problems before when I removed his spurs, and he bled for several days, on and off. This time, his nail was hanging. There is no putting a nail back, so I clipped it the rest of the way off. Then I got myself comfortable with him in my lap, and put direct pressure on the toe where he was bleeding. It required five minutes, but the bleeding stopped.

If the bleeding won't stop after applying direct pressure, get some Vetrap (elastic stretch bandage), put an absorbent nonstick pad over the toe and wrap it with the vet wrap. Leave it for a day, and take it off. If it still bleeds, re-wrap and wait another day.

I've had to do this with my rooster when he hurts something on his feet. He's a bleeder. No real problem if you know eventually the bleeding will stop.
If not for the broken nail, at least I will have it on hand if I need it in the future. Another item to add my collection of first aid materials.
I was going to say save your money. Sorry.

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