Craigslist image thieves!


Crazy for Colors
10 Years
Oct 19, 2009
Forks, WA
Okay, so I've been finding that the Seattle area Craigslist has a reputation for sellers who steal images of other people's chickens to display and sell their own. One of them even showed Speckledhen's Ameraucana hen, Charlotte. They were trying to sell "purebed Ameraucanas" and among their random photos of other people's Easter Eggers, her Ameraucana was present, along with a Feathersite photo. Well, I stepped in and told them they're stealing images of birds that aren't theirs, and they thought I was being rude and unnecessary.

So, I again have found an ad for Marans eggs - However, I KNOW the owner to the pictured eggs is not even from Washington state, but I can't find or remember who it is who has these beautiful eggs. So if you are the actual owner or know who it is, I'd love for you, as the real owner, to step in and say something to the seller.

Here's the photo they used.


Here's the ad.

I think one should be in order. Even if the seller did have permission, - if you've got Marans eggs to show, you should show your own - Otherwise you're conning the buyer.
I had someone steal....and yes it's theft to use someone's else's picture without of my pictures and use it on their ebay listing. I finally got them to take it down after I reported them to ebay and emailed them several times. Another BYCer saw it and let me know about it. If your product isn't good enough to use your own pictures maybe you shouldn't be selling it!

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