~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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Get them off my counter and into YOUR incubator.

Special Offer $25 shipped for 12+ eggs.

Pictures here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/gallery/album/view/id/6140573/user_id/72330

mine on the blrw eggs... i'll PM you.
I have 3 auctions to offer:

1) 8+ Blue/Splash Wheaten & Wheaten Ameraucana Eggs
My flock is from Peachick's lines. Two girls are directly from her 2011 breeding pens and the other three girls and my roo were hatched from her eggs. I am hatching feathered legs occasionally. I was told that it could be because this color originated from Salmon Faverolles and the two girls from her may have been her 2nd generation birds. So far all of my birds have lost their feathering by 12wks.
$30 start, includes shipping.

2) 5+ Buff Columbian Split Mottled Bantam Cochin Eggs
My roo (Byron) is a son of Tom Roebuck's top buff columbian rooster and a mottled hen. My hen is more of a black tailed buff, as she has no black in her hackles. So farm my chicks are coming out buff columbian and Mille Fleur colored. My one growing out right now has very nice black chevrons and white feather tips.
$20 start, shipping included.

3) 7+ Mille Fleur bantam Cochin project eggs.
All of my birds are from Msbear and she works closely with Tom Roebuck an many other wonderful Cochin breeders. I am getting mostly dark chicks from this pen. Chicks are black and develop red hackles and mottling . I have only hatch 6 chicks, though. Milroy has filled in very nice since the picture was taken. He has a very nice, wide cushion.
$20 start, includes shipping

Only bid if you are willing to take the chance on hatching eggs.
I can not and will not guarantee your hatch rate. I have been having 80-90% hatch rates. I do keep my Cochin's trimmed for breeding, so fertility has been in the 90% range. I am only offering these because my incubator is full and my broodies are sitting on all they can handle.

Posted 7/3/12 at 7:22pm​
Last edited:
I have 3 auctions to offer:​

1)  8+  Blue/Splash Wheaten & Wheaten Ameraucana Eggs
My flock is from Peachick's lines.  Two girls are directly from her 2011 breeding pens and the other three girls and my roo were hatched from her eggs.  I am hatching feathered legs occasionally.  I was told that it could be because this color originated from Salmon Faverolles and the two girls from her may have been her 2nd generation birds.  So far all of my birds have lost their feathering by 12wks.​
$30 start, includes shipping.​

2)  5+ Buff Columbian Split Mottled Bantam Cochin Eggs
My roo is a son of Tom Roebuck's top buff columbian rooster and a mottled hen.  My hen is more of a black tailed buff, as she has no black in her hackles.  So farm my chicks are coming out buff columbian and Mille Fleur colored.  My one growing out right now has very nice black chevrons and white feather tips.​
$20 start, shipping included.​

3)  7+ Mille Fleur bantam Cochin project eggs.
All of my birds are from Msbear and she works closely with Tom Roebuck an many other wonderful Cochin breeders.  I am getting mostly dark chicks from this pen.  Chicks are black and develop red hackles and mottling .  I have only hatch 6 chicks, though.  Milroy has filled in very nice since the picture was taken.  He has a very nice, wide cushion.​
$20 start, includes shipping​

Only bid if you are winning to take the chance on hatching eggs.​
I can not and will not guarantee your hatch rate.  I have been having 80-90% hatch rates.  I do keep my Cochin's trimmed for breeding, so fertility has been in the 90% range.  I am only offering these because my incubator is full and my broodies are sitting on all they can handle.​

Posted 7/3/12 at 7:22pm​

20 on the MF Cochins please
Anything MF is my favorite color

I am getting better MF coloring from my BC pen. My first chick was a cockerel and was buff columbian but the oldest one I have now growing out (near 10wks) is a pullet and has white feather tips and pretty chevrons. The one in my brooder isn't feathered in (3wks old) and looks like a pullet and is coloring the same as the older pullet.

Here's the BC pen's oldest baby I have. It isn't the best pic, but see the black chevrons on her tail feathers? She has them all over w/ white feather tips. The more feathered puller to her left is from my MF pen.
6+ WC Black Bantam polish

start bidding at $5.00
and shipping will be $11.00

pay-pal only
eggs will ship out Saturday
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