Crazy easy way to make hard boiled eggs

Hi, I tried this method today, and I'm a believer!!! I used 8 bantam eggs that were probably a week old, from the fridge. I boiled the water first and put them in with a ladel. All 8 came out perfectly!!!!! Awesome!
I get perfectly peeled eggs by letting the eggs cool in baking soda. I think It had something to do with the egg releasing corbon dioxide and expanding the shell... or at least something like that.
I use a big 'spider' (kinda like a strainer) to lower them into the water. I've noticed if they bang even a bit they break - so try gently lowering them in.
I take the eggs from the fridge at the same time I turn the water on to boil. Letting them warm a bit to room temperature before lowering them into the water seems to make a difference.
Thanks for the hints.
I have been taking them out of the frig and warming them a bit so maybe I am not being careful enough when I put them in the water.

I'll try again since hardboiled eggs are a real favorite around here.

Well it has gone on for 10 pages now, but what the heck!

A couple weeks ago my wife had to buy two dozen eggs to fill a cake order and forgot she had already bought them the other day. Well, what to do with a spare couple dozen eggs, and a one gallon glass pickle jar? PICKLED EGGS of course~! Well, I have not had good luck with hard boiled eggs, so I checked Google and thought I was good to go. I did it by the book "their way" and had a batch of OLD eggs that would not peel.

Fast forward to this morning and my stash of pickled eggs were getting very low and the egg basket pretty high. So I gave this a shot and boiled up everything in the fridge. (Maybe 30 eggs in all, some laid this morning.)

I set the egg basket on the counter, filled a pot, gave it a splash of white vinegar, and got the water boiling. I placed the first batch in the pot and set the timer for 18min. While this was cooking I filled a bowl with the big ice-burgs in the ice maker. Once the timer went off, I placed the eggs in the water for about 5min and began to peel.

Dangit if those eggs did not just fall apart! In a good way that is, not one damaged egg in the batch! Heck, I cracked one egg on the tip and I could of sworn I FELT the egg loosen and drop!

Thank you so much, it seems like such a small thing, but I can not believe that my fresh eggs peeled that easy and once done I have bright yellow yokes to boot!
Oh, get out! I tried this and it worked perfectly!!! I peeled 10 eggs with ease!

You don't understand............I've been struggling with this for YEARS! I tried every different way I've found on here. All I heard was too fresh....too fresh.....NOT true! I once aged eggs for THREE months out of frustration so I could finally peel them - and... they didn't peel !!!!!!!! AAAgh!
Tried vinager, baking soda, everything!

I love you Chickensista! And I love your husband even more!!!!!



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