Crazy places my chickens have laid...


8 Years
Jul 11, 2011
Cottage Grove, Oregon
They have been laying for less than a month and they are already branching out.

1. Pot belly pig house - 7 eggs so far
2. Meyer lemon tree in a pot...1 egg from the Polish girl so far...
in the middle of the yard in the grass. in my garden box in the dirt. hmm... can't think of any other more eggsiting places.
In one day 7 of my girls decided to lay under the wheelbarrow parked under the open end of the barn. I guess they were on strike from the laying boxes that day. One of my EE's will lay on one of the hay bales in the hay stall. She dug out a nest in it. If I let out in the early am. that is the only place she will lay. Go figure!!!

Behind a down spout under the porch. Had 7 eggs in it.
Up on a stack of bales of hay. Had scooped out a dish sized nest.
In a plastic storage container filled with hay.
Thats all I can think of for now.

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