CRD or Eye injury ???

It kind of looks like a version of fowl pox to me. When it affects around the eye like that. If the others have dark scabs too, then it is carried by Mosquitos. It goes away after a few weeks...but when it affects the eye, the mouth like that it could be wetpox forming and they would need an antibiotic to help them threw it.
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Are those rounds dark.scabs around her the others have any dark spots..... On face..comb. ..legs etc.

They don't appear to be, but I could be wrong ?? My Roo does have small black spots on his comb but a friend said that was just small scabs from scratching. I first noticed them about 2 to 3 weeks ago and the mosquitoes this year have been pretty bad because of all the rain. We have been giving her Tylan 50 for 3 days now and she acts perfectly fine but her eye is no better and appears to be completely closed up.
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They don't appear to be, but I could be wrong ?? My Roo does have small black spots on his comb but a friend said that was just small scabs from scratching. I first noticed them about 2 to 3 weeks ago and the mosquitoes this year have been pretty bad because of all the rain. We have been giving her Tylan 50 for 3 days now and she acts perfectly fine but her eye is no better and appears to be completely closed up.
Have you tried to clean her eye out? I had a young rooster with a similar issue a couple weeks ago. I treated him with Oxytetracyclin ('Oxytet') in the water and Neosporin directly in the eye, twice a day.. I gently got the nasty white pus out of the eye with tweezers after letting the neoporin work a little and helping it loosen the 'gunk'. You may need to use a 'Q-tip' covered with Neosporin to get under the eyelid as well to get out the entire piece of 'gunk'. He didn't like it when I was doing it but I know he felt better when he could actually open that eye. I kept him separated from the rest of the flock for 1 week. He is doing great now. This what he looked like:

You can't even tell he had a problem just two weeks ago.
Have you tried to clean her eye out? I had a young rooster with a similar issue a couple weeks ago. I treated him with Oxytetracyclin ('Oxytet') in the water and Neosporin directly in the eye, twice a day.. I gently got the nasty white pus out of the eye with tweezers after letting the neoporin work a little and helping it loosen the 'gunk'. You may need to use a 'Q-tip' covered with Neosporin to get under the eyelid as well to get out the entire piece of 'gunk'. He didn't like it when I was doing it but I know he felt better when he could actually open that eye. I kept him separated from the rest of the flock for 1 week. He is doing great now. This what he looked like:

You can't even tell he had a problem just two weeks ago.

Did he have fowl pox?? I would assume so by the black scabs on him ....
They way the skin is around her eye, and the bumps around it reminds me of some of the fowl pox sores. They can be raised white or brown bumps. Normally with CRD, Coryza, Mg their will be some type of sinus swelling or puss in the eye. Hers looks more like it irritated skin around the eye causing the problem...Wet pox also causes trouble breathing, puss in throat, ..... I would clean out the eye and apply neosporine to it to keep it moist.

On the note of Respitory illness and exposure. It can come in from many channels... Shoes is one. If you walk into a pen with the same shoes you walked into a feed store etc have now tracked in the few thousands of particles from others people's farm. Etc.
Wind can carry feather dander from other peoples birds into your yard.
Wild birds can bring it in.
Feed delivery many farms did they go to....
Just things to think about.
This is Fred, he is apparently having some anger management issues. These are the spots I was talking about, but they don't look terrible to me but I am still a newbie to the whole chicken thing anyway. He isn't showing any symptoms of being sick with anything other than the spots on his comb. He did sneeze some the first day or so after I cleaned the hay out the coop .... However, that's relatively normal for him. And as I stated above we have been having a fairly bad problem with mosquitoes so far this year. Is this definitely Fowl Pox???

looks like scabs to me... from being pecked

That's what's so odd, I have never seen the hens peck him at all. They are to busy running away
My wife did call our local vet and she said she doesn't really know much about chickens and that we should call one of the Wilmington Vets (no surprise there). It's crazy because it appears all there symptoms have pretty much gone away in the last day or so except for one Americana hen still sneezing from time to time. Blondie is the ONLY one we ever gave Tylan 50 to and that was only for 2 days. Her eye has started to look some what normal again and is partially open. We separated the Roo from the hens on Wednesday and he seems to have calmed down a bit. I spent a long time with the hens today listening, watching and everything seemed pretty normal.
I am so confused
I have our black copper maran roo in the house chillin back in the brooder room after watching my hens bloody his comb. But they were picking at the scabs my jersey roo had caused in a tussle. blue lotion and time and he's healing up slowly.

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