Cream Legbar’s Strange Behavior


6 Years
Jan 6, 2018
Centre, AL
This evening as the girls were filing in the coop to roost, the strangest thing happened. I always stand in the coop alongside the roosts and talk to them as they bicker and peck over who is roosting where and was petting several different girls as I talked to them. I then came to my Cream Legbar. She was standing on the roost and instead of petting her on the back I slipped my hand underneath her and began wiggling my fingers in her warm feathers as I continued talking to them.

There was nothing unusual about the way I was showing her my affection. I have done this with many of my girls. However, this time something strange happened. As I wiggled my fingers under her, her body started making weird movements. I’m not sure how to describe it exactly, but it felt like her body somewhat quivered and she lowered her wings and then pulled them in tight. It felt like she had scooped my hand up underneath her. The SLW pullet beside her was wanting her to move, but she had no intention of moving. The entire weight of her body was resting in my palm and she was mashing my finger between her breast and the roost. She’s not heavy by any means, but she was putting all her might into keeping my hand right where it was.

Now I have never been around a hen raising chicks, but what I experienced made me think of a mother hen securely gathering her chicks under her. I am wondering if my wiggling fingers made her instinctively respond as if she had a brood underneath her?

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Yes I do have two cockerels. They are currently both separately housed away from the flock, but before I put my Welsummer cockerel up he had mated her and the others that were laying. I guess I should have mentioned that 21 of my 25 birds are 7 months old.
Yes I do have two cockerels. They are currently both separately housed away from the flock, but before I put my Welsummer cockerel up he had mated her and the others that were laying. I guess I should have mentioned that 21 of my 25 birds are 7 months old.
They do want to be mated more at that age, and will squat and ask for it. If it happens again switch your hand to her back and see if she lifts her tail, than you will know.
They do want to be mated more at that age, and will squat and ask for it. If it happens again switch your hand to her back and see if she lifts her tail, than you will know.
I understand exactly what you are saying, but her actions were completely different than those associated with a squat. Most, if not all, of my the pullets have squatted for me numerous times. This was completely different.
Than my next thought is that a snuggling behavior. Sometimes birds will push under each other, and for lack of a better term they snuggle.
Wonder if it's a "broody" thing, like scooting the chicks under her (wing) .... Just guessing.
Your thoughts were exactly my thoughts. It felt as though she had her body covering and her wings clamped down and curved under protecting what she perceived to be some chicks. It was quite a strange feeling, but sweet nonetheless. I wonder if Cream Legbars make good mothers?

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