Cream legbar chicks

I wouldn’t worry about it yet wait till they feather out then you’ll be able to tell. ☺
You could always try to rehome later if you have to. Many of the hatchery quality cream leg bars unfortunately have lost quite a bit of their auto sexing traits. I bought several sexed pullets from Murray McMurray that looked quite a bit like yours, several were lighter in color and I was quite upset because it looked like six of the nine were male. McMurray told me they vent sex their cream leg bars because they can’t count on the down color to determine gender. Cream leg bar have become so popular, that many of the large hatcheries are not breeding for color but for quantity.
I wouldn’t worry about it yet wait till they feather out then you’ll be able to tell. ☺

Looks like I did get three, one may be male, but I will hang on to him until I know for certain. Looks like he was part of the straight run "adopt me!" bargain.
The 2 to the sides are CL. I have never seen CL like that color before (one in the middle) so it’s a 50,50 chance of being a girl. I’m going to guess that it is a girl since there’s not a white dot on it’s head.
OP has probably ready figured it out. They would be like 3 months at this point. Though I wouldn't mind an update. 🤔
I had CL eggs sent and one ended up all blonde. (was not advertised frost white.)

White cream legbar standing on crow toy, black on wing is lipstick on bare spot so chicks don't peck it. And some striped ones and some other breeds also.

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