*Creepy Cat Encounter


red-headed stepchild
11 Years
Feb 6, 2008
Southeast Coast of Florida
*So-- This afternoon I walk out to check on Chook-- and there's this HUGE orange cat out there under the bouganvillia. LESS than 2 feet from Chook. .Never seen it before, and it doesnt run, just lets out these 3 long low throaty threatening sounding yowls at me. NEVER had ANY cat EVER act like this bugger-- Cats & me go way back. THIS CAT was easily twice my Draven's size, and 3 times Chook's-- but he wasn't threatening her at all-- just ME!! I called AC to ask them how a rabid cat acts--- NOBODY KNOWS!!!!
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My grandpa found a cat on his porch that screamed and jumped at his face 3 different times before he killed it with a floor scraper. Be very careful when dealing with animals that behave unnaturally.
*yeah that's why I called em-- b/c there's been a rabies alert right at the countyline we back up to. . . But, they said they wouldnt know HOW a rabid cat would act. . .cept that it wouldn't drink water. ~
I picked up a stick & smacked on the bouganvillia right over the sucker's head and it took off like I shot it with a pellet gun in the butt. Grabbed Chook & brought her in 2 hours early. . . .
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That is pretty pathetic that animal control couldn't tell you. A rabid animal doesn't necessarily act any certain way, just different than what would be expected. They can be extra friendly or extra agressive.....or like with nocturnal animals, coming out in daytime, not afraid of strangers.....that is what is so bad, it is not a specific thing until they are in the late stages and foaming at the mouth and haveing intense muscle spasms, etc......please be so careful.
Just because I was interested to know:


What are the signs of rabies?

There are three stages of the disease. The first is the "prodromal" phase in which there is a marked change in temperament. The quiet cat becomes agitated, and the active cat becomes nervous or shy. Other signs include dilated pupils, excessive drooling, and snapping at imaginary objects. After 2-3 days, the second phase begins. It is called the "excitatory" phase. There is an exaggerated response to any stimulus. Cats may experience bizarre changes in appetite including eating and swallowing sticks, stones, and other objects. The cat may roam aimlessly, inflict trauma upon itself, and have a change in voice. There will often be vicious, aggressive behavior, even towards its owner. Seizures may occur. Sometimes there is a third form, the "dumb" form, in which the cat becomes extremely depressed. Its mouth may gape open with the tongue protruding. A progressive paralysis sets in resulting in total body paralysis.

I wondered, too, if the cat wasn't just trying to defend his next meal (your chicken).

I wondered, too, if the cat wasn't just trying to defend his next meal (your chicken).


I used to be an animal control officer and have seen several rabid animals including cats, and the above is a pretty accurate description.

Sometimes they'll do really odd things like walk around in circles, walk backwards shaking their head, etc...

They may even stare right at you and not see or acknowledge you at all.

If your local animal control couldn't tell you how a rabid animal would act, thats just pathetic. they should either be retrained or fired.

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