creepy people

I worked at Walmart over the summer and there was this one maintenance man there who was bi-polar and schitzophrenic. I have nothing against people with either of those two illnesses because several family members suffer from them and I love them just the same! However, this guy gave me the serious creeps. Not right away, but after sitting with him at lunch one day I noticed he began to follow me around. At first i thought I was making things up in my mind, but then I realized when talking to other girls at work that he was doing the same thing to them. He would wait until I was alone in an aisle and walk down it and stand behind me. When I would turn around, he'd walk quickly away. He would also stare at the me and the other girls while we were eating lunch. He'd just sit there and stare for several minutes, with food all over his mouth and his mouth hanging open. He would also stand right outside the bathrooms while girls were in there while he was waiting to clean them. When they built the new bathroom at our store, they put a mirror near the doorway and he would look in and watch you as you were in the bathroom. Finally the store got smart and took the mirror down and this guy threw a fit. I heard him telling on of the higher ups that "they needed to put the mirror back up because he couldn't look into the bathroom anymore and see the stalls".

He also knew personal information about several of the girls' vehicles, including color of the car, make, model, and even license plate numbers. That was a little unnerving.

I don't think this guy knew he was being so creepy because of his mental disabilities. However, he definitely had the potential to hurt someone. He was the type that would be friendly one moment, then pitch a fit the next. Even though he was pretty skinny, he was also a strong person. When I started at walmart he had come back from disability. Before he left, he had been putting letters into a girl's locker that said he would daydream about her while he cooked dinner and he pictures her as his future wife. He never signed the letters, so they couldn't prove it was him, but management knew. After that he went on disability for a chemical imbalance. He had been working for a few months and he just kept getting stranger and stranger. A few days ago I was told he would not be back for awhile and I have a feeling the store convinced him to take another leave.

I really felt bad for him, but at the same time I did NOT want to give him any of the wrong ideas. I went through a similar ordeal with a guy who suffered from aspbergers. He decided he had a crush on me and nothing short of "I will not date you" gave him the hint to leave me alone. Sometimes people like this guy at work and the one from school don't mean anything by their creepiness. They just don't know how to act in public. However, obsessing like this guy at work did was very creepy to me!
I'm glad you think this way, however we have questioned his actions and he has told us he has no mental issues, just that "he likes to be around people."

That may be true, he may just be lonely....but, to spent that much time sitting in Wal-Mart definately signifies something more.

Maybe, he's a secret shopper....or a spy, from Target.
Royd, works for me! Just as long as the creepers leave ME alone!

For example:

That is classified as "slightly" creepy. Because instead of walking up to her and talking to her, he posted information about her online so that anyone can find her. I know who this person is, both of them actually, but it's still creepy.

I doubt he's employed by Wal-Mart. Our security personnel do not know the specifics about him, but have watched him and he does not exhibit any harmful tendencies other than freaking out other customers and cashiers. The "secret shoppers" job is to remain anonymous. They are to be "normal" customers. Customers that don't stand out in any way.
Ha ha, we probably do!

As for someone who gives me the creeps... the guy who plays the green goblin on Spider man..... ugh what is his name.... ?? Anyway, him and this one guy who is always at the library, he sits there with a book, but he's always looking over the top of it, watching the people around him, and I can only assume me!
LOL, I actually did go and read about aspbergers, but I have had some experiences with it through classes and EMS calls. That's why I decided to quit playing Mrs. Nice Girl and tell him I'm not interested at all or ever. I also cut contact with him. Some people here on BYC may remember the thread I posted awhile ago looking for advice and I got some wonderful replies from my fellow BYCers. I learned a lot about the illness and also got some advice which worked!
Most people who are mentally ill would never hurt anyone. Most 'creepy' people, it's just our imagination that suggests they are dangerous or criminal. It is a good thing to stop seeing people as 'creepy' and start seeing them as people with challenges we might not understand, and need to understand better. The person might be autistic, mentally retarded, have vision problems, or have an illness. People don't ask to have these illnesses. It is not a choice.

Re dumping a disturbed offender by himself at Walmart all day 'as their therapy', things don't work that way.'

First of all, being at Walmart all day has not been shown in any research, to be therapeutic. Pretty much the opposite.

"There are SEVERAL holes in that rumor:
1. They wouldn't allow him outside of the facility after killing his entire family.
2. They wouldn't allow him in public without being hadcuffed."

It is real, real, real hard these days, to get ANYONE 'put away', no matter what they have done, even if they have committed a crime (or crimes) and are mentally ill. It just doesn't work that way.

Most mentally ill offenders are in jails rather than mental health facilities. Something like 40% of the US jail population takes psychiatric medication. But even prisoners can refuse psychiatric matter what their crime.

The above suggests that after killing someone(s), a juvenile mentally ill offender would be locked up someplace for the 'rest of his life'. No, people can't be kept indefinitely.

Things changed a long, long time ago. The 'facilities' are gone and people can't just be put some place for indefinite periods of time. There has to be a sentence that conforms to sentences for non mentally ill people.

"They would not allow him in public without him being handcuffed". There would be no point in taking him out in public if he had to be handcuffed, except on official business. Sitting around in public in hand cuffs isn't therapeutic.

re a juvenile mentally ill offender who murdered his whole family: There are really not a huge number of juvenile murderers in jail under life sentences.

Only 19 states punish minors under 14 with sentences of life without parole. About 70 people in the US are serving setences of life without parole for crimes committed from 13-14. There are 2000 people in the entire US who are serving life without parole for crimes they committed when under 18. In 300,000,000 people, 2000 is not a lot. It's not a lot at all.
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