Crochet "Chat"

I have baby peeps in the brooder!!

We went to the feed store and bought some chicks. Four barred Rocks, and three least I hope that's what they are ^_^ They look like they are frizzling...

And I'm supposed to get some silkies from OKCarla in a couple of days

Hope you get your computer fixed soon SE!!

ETA: Atwoods in Norman had baby ducks, but I resisted ^_^ I don't want the mess later.
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goodness, so many hookers needing help right now. Hope s.e. gets her puter going soon. hope all you gals are feeling better? Weather here is going to get nasty with storms this afternoon and then in another day or so our spring weather is out the door for awhile! Good thing I didn't transplant my basil and parsley outside as yet. They sure are growing in my kitchen window. I cannot wait to get out into the herb garden! Stay warm all.
baby peeps are just what we all need to let us know that spring is on it's way!
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Hi lovemychix, I am still wanting another chicken diaper, just been a little low on funds lately.

I am going to be getting some silkie chicks soon. Blacks and whites and maybe a splash or two.

Skand I will send eggs when mine start laying more. Are you interested in silkies and bantam cochins? They are show cochins so they have fluff up the ying yang.
I just trimmed their bums to the max because I wasnt doing too well with the artificial insemination. O I also have leghorn banties that are white and white X lt brown. And seramas. Not sure if you want mini chicken eggs. hahahha
Tiki I am sure they would love some all of your chickens sound wonderful. I am sending her a mix of all I have some pure and some mixes.
Let me know Tiki and I will PM you the address to send them to for her ... I have some ready that I will be sending out soon and maybe even some more later..

Karan I have a serama flock which I am done keeping in the house for overwintering. Do you think she would want to do a deal on shipping with me? I know they would have a good home and they are little money makers. Just not cold hardy.
Did you all hear about the silkie stolen at a major show in Delaware? Its in the Breeds and showing section. Thats just low. I heard about the same thing happening last fall at a major show in Minnesota. Not only that, but people poured elmers glue on some silkies at various shows right before the judgeing began.
You all know that I don't have any desire for chickens, but I just can't imagine what kind of person would do that to those birds! Even though birds kinda freak me out, I think silkies are beautiful. I hope they found out who did it...
They havent found out. I am not sure if its the same person or several people. I guess the one in Minnesota was that one party wouldnt sell their lines to another party and they wanted to add that line to their breeding program so they stole.It (the one in Minnesota) was after judging but before you are allowed to take the birds out of the cages, during the awards ceremony. When everybody is getting their awards. I tell you what if it was one of my birds I would just be sick.
Aww, Tiki, I would if I could, but now with this little squirrel on its way, I can't even go out to the coop right now without getting nauseated.
I think it would be just a little too much for me to have more. I will definitely keep you in mind for hatching eggs or chicks when I ever get the set up for that kind of thing taken care of. Thanks for still thinking of me.

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