Crochet "Chat"

Okie, I like your lil crocheted chicks! Especially the fuzzy one without eyes. What about trying the eyes closer together on the other one? And your colors for the new afghan are very pretty! Nice choices!
the chicks are sweet. Yup, eyes a little closer together, and maybe a little smaller, and the creepiness factor will go away. safety eyes will help with that. I love the fuzzy one. That's great. Good start on the ghan...

I shouldn't even be awake.
*sigh* don't plan on staying that way for very long, I hope....
Thanks for the replies guys

Thanks SE and Moon! Got it! Eyes closer together.
I doubted the colors for the afghan at first...and also at first it was just the darker peach/orange and white, and it was to contrasty. So I went back to Hobby Lobby and got the light peach. This was the yarn that I was talking about that the original prices was over 7 dollars a skein!!! I got it for 1.99 a skein!!


AND the great thing is that when I went back to get the peach it was on sale too!!!

LMAO Rocket I'm in the same boat as you! Woke up at 3 in the morning and can't get back to sleep! I don't think I can get the safety eyes in time for Easter.
But I will try!
smaller and closer together! Thanks!!

Dang it I didn't beat SE to the computer this mornin'
Those little chicks are cute. I may have to whip up some of those before Easter. I will have to put that on my never ending list of to do's.
I really like those colors too.

The kids would love to take horse rides. My sisters horses are a little to wild and I won't let them on theirs.
One of these nice warm spring days.
I got up early this morning to start cleaning house.
There was a time that I enjoyed cleaning. I know. I'm crazy. But anymore it is just a chore that I just dispise. I think it's because little man drags out stuff as fast as I can clean.

Aglo I find using that fuzzy warn with a regular yarn makes it easier to work with. The fun fur anyway. I will never mess with Homespun again. All it does is snag.
Well off to another maniac Monday.
Suppose to be really nice today!!!
Thanks Chix our horses as ya noticed love attention
I mean they aren't spoiled or anything
And again your kids are adorable

Okie I love your little chicks
and your afghan is going to be soo Pretty and soft

Sewincircle so good to hear from ya

Well gang I goina get tuned up and Ready

They say you will find a pot of Gold at the end........

Well I found my pot of Gold with

Well out to the greenhouse and then off to the Office
stuck in the basement and it looks to be a wonderful day out side


Ugh, Okie, I hope you got back to sleep. And I hope I can get some sleep in my 2nd trimester at least...I remember last time it was 1st trimester = no sleep, 2nd trimester = some sleep, 3rd trimester = some sleep until toward the end and I felt like a hippo that couldn't get into a good sleeping position. I really need a lazy-boy recliner or something so I can sleep sort of sitting up, I think.

Chix, glad the visit to take David Bowie to his new home worked out. It looks like we are going to have a great week for weather, but it's going to get colder again next week.
I am really tired of the weather roller coaster. I mean I like weather variety but not so close together. Still, I saw 4 robins so far, so there has got to be some hope!
Once again I posted on the forum and no one helps.

A couple of my laying hens are 12 mo. old exactly this month and I noticed their fluff on their bottoms falling out. Are they molting? I know it's not bugs because I keep poultry protector on them and I've checked them. They are still laying and thought maybe it was the beginning signs of molt, but I always thought hens molted in the fall.
Maybe someone here might know. I haven't noticed any pecking either.
Do you have a roo?

It could also be molting. Watch for loss of neck and wing feathers, if they have not ever molted yet, then some hens will molt sooner than the fall.

"Domesticated chickens bred for high egg production have a definite molting pattern. A natural molt does not normally occur until the end of an extended, intensive laying period. Chickens that have been laying heavily for one year or longer molt easily in the fall since this is the natural molting season. If they finish their intensive year in the spring, they do not molt easily and may wait until the fall."

Normally though they will not lose their fluff feathers first, if at all. I would double check on the pecking thing, but it could just be the weird changes in temperatures too. Check to see if there is anything they are sitting on that might be pulling out feathers. *shrug* Hope that helps.
Hello all!

Been MIA for a couple of months, sorry about that. Collarbone is all healed up. Still having a bit of trouble with movement and daily tasks, but all in all, I've healed nicely.

I had posted my resume to several facilites in the area, and was finally approached by a very nice facility about 4 weeks ago. I've been hired on as Staffing Coordinator and I am also in charge of Staff Development, which basically means it's up to me to make sure all the nurses and certified nursing assistants are up to date on their continuing education and in-service time.

While it's nice to be back to work, I'm not getting any time to work on my crocheting. Hopefully, if there's a fall swap, I'll be able to get in on that.

Good to be back!!
Hope you all are doing great!!



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