Crochet "Chat"

Hey gang hope ya all a WONDERFUL St PATTY'S


Love ya all
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anyone know where my post about the dust bowl was? I can't find it anywhere. It was in response to something Amyquilt said and I think I put a link in it that I need now...can anyone better at searching help?
Okiemommy, if my search is coming up correctly I suspect it is in the Okies in BYC thread... but I am not 100% sure. There are a lot of pages. Can you tell me what the link was you were looking for? I could probably find you the link faster than I can find your post with it in it.
Amy I read that recently. You guys are in for a tough ride if it doesn't rain enough this spring. I read something on one of the state's natural agency websites(have no idea which one) that this drought is worse for you guys in the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandle than the dust bowl years, and that the topsoil is beginning to blow again up in Cimmaron County Okahoma. NOT good! Not good at all. I just cannot believe, that the farming practices didn't change enough out there to keep that from happening. I read that only 30% of the farmlands out there are using the sustainable farming methods set up by the US govt to keep the soil from blowing away. Whoever's fault it is, I don't care, they should have known better by now!!

sorry rant over. It just makes me mad to no end, and I sure hope we don't get another dust bowl again.

And I hope and pray that you guys get some rain! Enough to do the job!!

Is this it???
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Seems we should be telling the pregnant hookers to take a break and not "hook" awhile but since our deadline is nearing, even they need to step it up and crank 'em out too, lol!!!! Boy does that sound crazy to the uninitiated!!!!! Hook on hookers!!!!
Well Good Morning to You Too SUNSHINE (Chuck)


Now to decide what to wear to work ??????

OOhh That's tooo Much

I need some more Coffee

Thats Better

Now what was I thinking


Have a great day
Hi, everyone! I'm hoping for a little help here. I've volunteered to make an afghan for our youth group's auction that will be in May. I thought I'd like the afghan to be symbolic of our church. What I'd like to do is put the Luther Rose in the center with different blocks of crosses and shells (to represent baptism) around it. I've got great patterns for the crosses & shells, but I need help designing the rose block. I'll post a pic of the rose this evening (for whatever reason, I can't do that from work) but in the meantime, here's a link with a great pic of it... Let me know if you think it can be done. Thanks!!
Oh, I guess you need to know that the block patterns I have are all 6 inches, but I envision the rose being in the center, so maybe it should be 12x12?
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