Crochet "Chat"

Yea he was named right cause he is a singer.
His voice hasn't cracked he has good pitch I think he's a crooner

SO I just had to call Chix to hear him sing
so great

Thanks Chix he is a wonderful fella

Hi everyone! Great day outside today. Hope everyone is doing well. I am in the process of selling my Seramas and taking care of chicks. (silkies and mille fleurs) Its hard to see the Seramas go, especially my favorite Leon who was my first Serama. He is going to some nice people though wholive really close to me (runamukranch) Shawna here on BYC. She has some kids in 4H and they are getting a pair of Seramas and the Old English Game bantam pair. I am really glad that the 4H kids are getting these and they will have a wonderful home with Shawna. They will be able to run and crow as much as they want to. I am going to meet her tomorrow at 2pm. This is going to be really hard to do. I need some support.
I so do not want to let Leon go, but it is best for him and me too. The neighbors dont like his crowing.

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Tiki. It sounds like you found a really great place for the birds, and since she sounds so close I am sure you can go and visit them. Just don't forget to ask for visiting rights!
And ask her to keep you informed on how they are doing in shows and stuff. Glad you found them good homes!
I love that pic
Poor chicken does not realize that you make a cookbook recipe photo
Is that one of your Millie Fleurs????? they are such beautiful chickens

on the photo shot

I just went to walmart and got pavers for my chicken coop. Man I need to get a life.
I need help!
This is what happens when you are married for 10 yrs. and you have nothing exciting happening. My plan is to make my coop part of my landscaping and the bad thing is I may have to move but I need something to do. If they don't want the coop with the house I can move all the stuff with me.
If they want it I can make a offer. Who know that may sell the property. You never know. When it's nice outside I can't crochet. I know. BAD.

BTW: I was asked to go to the local bar this weekend with the inlaws.
See what my options are!
They all drink a lot and I would just rather have a few cocktails with my chickies.
Not that nasty place.
I can't wait until my "snow bird" chicken lovin neighbors get back. They gave us a lot of materials to get started with. We all love the chickens and they have given me great advice. Or I will have to have Karan come up for BBQ. "It won't be chicken"

Next nice weekend you are invited to my place for some good eating. My treat for giving David a good home. I love to have company.
Hey SE, Good to see you back after the computer problems, I hate when that happens

Sorry I don't reply more on here, but, between grandkids and chicks and ducks hatching, and the weather being soooo nice, we spend alot of time outdoors, oh and we are on calf watch as well, at least two cows we think should be calving soon
. The weather has been so nice we have even done a little mushroom hunting, no luck yet, but, my brother did find a couple of the red variety over the weekend.

My mom has chemo treatments every other week and next week they are taking her off chemo for 6 weeks, then doing a P.E.T. scan and see what shows up and decide where she goes from there. She has stage IV cancer, but, has been doing really well with the treatments, so we will see, she will be 75 yrs young this saturday,

Glad to see Em back with us, and has anyone heard anything from Maw????

I have managed to make one GS an afghan, one GD an afghan, and working on putting squares together for two more GD's an afghan, whewww!!!! I must say that it is getting a bit too warm to be working on these, but, I want them done. I even managed to finish one with the shell stitch and I must say I did a great job,
. Next I tackle the shapes,
. I am getting there slowly but surely.

Oh my, I am rambling on now. lol Hope all is well with everyone, got go check on my GD, she spends more time here than home.

Take care,
Luv ya,
Good to hear from ya Bobby Sounds like you have kept very buzy.

I just got in from the greenhouse got more flower seeds started and water melon too. Yesterday I saw all the cabbage and broccoli coming up and looked like tiny shamrocks all over

DB (David Bowe) is doing GREAT he has now gotten calmer and lets me pick him up easier.
He is quite the talker

Hey thanks Chix for the invite we will have to see as far as getti8ng away from the greenhouse. Hey it might be a good break:th. I am meeting Fudgie Saturday evening to trade Duck eggs for Buff Orpington eggs.

Well Mom has my Niece Laura for her spring break. So Laura cmae and had Dinner with us and then her and I played in the dirt

See was a great help and good company too
We got lots done

I am going to write Maw a ltter and send her an I miss you gift, so if anyone wants to send a message I will print them off and inclose them too I will probly mail it Saturday. So fair warning.

Well I am off to bed and work on the babyghan.
Night all Karan
Tiki- what kind of rooster is Leon? My mother has 2 roosters that look exactly like him. She got them from a guy that sells chicks real cheep but we are finding out he lets some of his bigger breeds mix and not sure he is calling his breeds by the right name.
I think he's a mille fluer (sp?) Purple, he sure is handsome and sassy looking!

Hey Karan, wish you were my neighbor..I have my garden ready to plant! I thought sunday (we practice saturday) I would plant tomatos and cucumbers. Gonna have to chicken wire around my garden now that I have allowed the little hooligans to scratch in it all winter!! Should have a tomatoes by the 4th of july if I plant now.

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