Crochet "Chat"


Morning! I am not feeling quite as sunny as all of that, but I hope to at some point today.

Your yard sounds super SE! I could use some bees and flowers about now, I am along with Algo in the close to depressed part...It is so cold here. It is sunny, but the cold is just lingering and lingering. *sigh*

Well, glad everyone seems to be doing pretty well despite the lingering winter stuff...

We do our best to enjoy what we can.
Chix, I am in my 13th week. It felt like things were moving along fast, but things seemed to have slowed down now, and this week is going by a bit slower than I would have liked. I just have the tiredness and some of that is due to the allergy stuff I try to avoid taking, but sometimes just can't avoid it because the allergies are too nasty.

I need to build a little Zoo house. One that my animals can go in, and still feel like they are in a house. But then I would still have to go out there a lot because they would be lonesome. But I think the animals in my house are my main problem. *sigh*

Anyway, at least the motion/"morning" sickness is gone. I just have to deal with the sinus issues that are even more terrible than just the allergies make them. Ugh...

But no doom and gloom. I am confident things will get better and I feel like the BP thing is already getting pretty much under control. *knock on wood* Sorry, didn't mean to ramble on....
Nice Chix! You're really going to town on stuff for happy chicken wardrobes! If I still had a house chicken, I would definitely be in the market for some diapers, but alas, it's a totally different type of diaper I am going to be needing.
good job!
Congrats! Algo! Our egg sales have been low but steady. We've only gotten two little pullet eggs so far. I hope the young girls start laying regularly soon....

That is going to be a great fashion show, Chix. You could probably even post a contest in the main contest area here.

Morning. Just going to lurk today. It's going to be nice, so I am hoping to actually get outside and I don't know, wander around or something.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!
good job Algo!
I sell about 4 dozen a week. Cousin owns a curves so I just bring them there
Hope you feel better soon Risu.
Okie how you feelin?

nice saddle lovemychix, how about something with a french maid feel.
ooh la la
Yeah Chix
good work. I believe that will make the cover of Fowls and Feathers and just guess what the center fold will look like

Congrats Algo on the honey and eggs sales

Well just a quick check in, Got lots and lots of things to do..

SE so sorry about the nasty smash up at the track, so glad he wasn't hurt. Sure hope the blankie
blank that did it gets his come upins soon.

Well gota go gang like I said lots and Lots to do, baby chicks to feed, greenhouse to water, new chicks to pick out at MFA, and groc to get for the jail and that's just to start before I get to the office.

That is a great idea. I have some black and all I would have to do is add some lace in between my layers when I sew it together. I have to do it!
Roo likey!
This fashion show sounds hilarious! Can't wait to see it!

Karen you do sound real busy. Hope you have enough time in the day to do it all.

Selling 18 dozen eggs is not normal for me. I sold out yesterday! Most people only buy 1-2 dozen at a time but one guy came and got 8 and the next guy got 10! I was considering lowering the price since I was running out of room in my fridge for them all and then they came and cleaned me out. Guess the price is not too high.

I will be around lurking most of the day. Hope everyone has a good one today. It is real sunny and windy out. Going to be a nice day.
My bees are loving it!

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