Crochet "Chat"

Don't Azealas require an acidic soil? I know my dad used to take the used coffee grounds and mix it in the soil around the base of some of the plants, but I don't recall which ones. I don't drink coffee, so I don't have any, but I may ask my neighbors to start saving their grounds for me to put in the soil or compost bin.
I thought azaelas were a southern plant, how bout that! I have about 20 throught my yard, my favorite!! I have white, pink and red and they are all in bloom right now. I have some regualr ones and some formosa azaelas, the bigger ones. Crepe myrtles are popular here too, do ya'll have those?

Getting ready to get outta here, thanks for the well wishes!! Very excited!!!
I think maybe mine got too cold.
I'm going leave them alone and see. 2 closest to the house look good the others look not so great. I give them acid in the soil but I'll have to have my neighbors keep their coffee grounds for me too because I don't drink it anymore. Thanks for the tip Chuck!
I love the ones I got last year. They are a bright orange.
My hydrangeas all are doing well. They are beautiful and bloom all summer.
Whats steelshot?

My brother is on his way over here right now with an extractor to extract the honey from the bee hive he put in my back yard a few weeks ago. It is full of honey cuz the guy that had them befor didn't even open the box for 3 years and later gave it to us. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Never been stung by a bee befor. Just wasps and bumble bees. My brother thinks there is at least 3 gallons of honey in there! Thats how it looked the last time he looked in there last week. I got my new bee suite in the mail last week and have been itching to get a chance to wear it and see how well it protects me. Guess I will go sterolize (sp) my gallon jars! Did I mention I am excited? LOL
Algo, that is a lovely Babyghan, I sure hope they appreciate all the labor and love that went into making it.

Hydrangeas like an acid soil too, if I remember correctly. At least the blue variety does to maintain it's blue color. I love Crepe Myrtle, I used to have three color varities of them at my first house I had when I moved here to Kentucky. I wish I could have transplanted them.

Well the weather is supposed to turn crummy again tomorrow through Monday at least, calling for possible snow flurries then too!

The reason to use the coffee grounds was two fold, once brewed the grounds are not as strong an acidic shock to the plants, plus it helps to break up clay like soils by becoming a form of compost. You can also throw some into your compost bin/pile to help encourage decomposition of other plant materials.
That is good info, and my azaela's are leafing out now, but, have never done real well, Love the Crepe Myrtle's and I would love to get Hydrangea to grow here but haven't had any luck whatsoever with them growing here???

Also you can water trees and bushes with your dish water, they seem to like the phosphates in the dish soap.

Oh yea, "Go Git 'Em" Travis, hope you have a great season!!!!
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oh purr!
Good luck.
Azaelas are hard to grow in the northern states but I love them so much that I had to get some and try.
Last year I dug up all my hostas. Yea. I had a lot of hostas and I still do. I got them from my sister and MIL and decided they just weren't colorful enough for me plus I don't have enough shade for them. They filled space until I could get something else in there. So I put in 6 of these bright orange azaelas.
I was looking my azaelas over and they are sprouting new growth so they will make it. I should have covered them over the winter but I didn't. I got lucky. I add acid to my soil to make my hydrageas blue. If you don't they will be pink or burgandy. Which are really pretty too. I read up on them and their really isn't a variety of color it just depends on the soil they grow in that makes them "color". I was going to add more to my landscaping this spring but I hate to add more expensive bushes when I may have to move if hubby gets his trooper job.
My clematis are all budding out! I have 2 purples and a pink/white. They should get huge this year!

Wanted to work in the yard today but the wind is horrible again. I got up early and got my MIL birthday cake done and house cleaned and went outside to clean the coop and start leveling the area for my pavers and I just about blew away. So now I'm back inside.
Oh Purr, I am soo sorry.
But all may not be lost if you opened and got the temp down quick enough.
Do you know about how long it was that high? Have you got it stable now?
I have 2 Little giants and I always get them stable with temp for 1 to 2 days before I put the eggs in. Just got my Golden Cuckoo Marans eggs in the mail today so they are getting settled and the bator is at 100 and I will put them in tomorrow , But I only have 1 turner, DH said he will get me another turner on Monday. This way I can put all the eggs going. I have 14 Golden Cuckoo Marans, 6 Millie Fleurs, and 30 Buff Orpington eggs = 50 The turner holds 41 so I will put all the Buffs in 1 and the GCM and Millies in the other.

Tess I am sorry I didn't see your post till now. If the weather tomorrow is kinda like todays then I will come up if that's Ok? I have been doing a little yard cleanup myself. DB is in his outdoor cage getting some fresh air and sunshine.

I'll give you a call before I come up.

Well Back to cleaning in the breeze

Hope the race is going well for Travis!

I have a clean house and had a burst of energy and then I did a hair too much and had to take a nap.

Anyway, overall I am feeling better.

Beautiful babyghan, Purple!

I am missing more news... Oh, Purr! Hope your babies are ok!

Had a spring fever day today, but guess what - Snow tomorrow.

Good night all!
It is so late and I am so tired now. We worked for hours on the honey we got out of the bee hive. I only got stung once and that is cuz I let my brother talk me into it. He thought it would be better to get stung for the first time on purpose so I would know what to expect when working with the hive and not panic. The neighbors must have thought I was being murdered I screamed so much and that was befor my husband put the bee on my arm.
I don't like to kill them but she was half drowned in a bucket of honey. Now my arm really hurts. We got 2 and a half gallons!

About to fall asleep now so hope everyone has a good day tomorrow and Travis wins his race!

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