Crochet "Chat"

I can't believe it is 12 noon and no one has been on here yet!

Where is SE? Everyone else?

Hope everyone is having a good day and all is well!

Now that I have wasted all of my morning on BYC I guess I can now go clean my house.
So can you just jump in or do i need to read all the posts?

Does anyone want kittens? They are free or will trade for yarn, spindle etc. They are litter trained, handled daily, and around dogs.

Id really like to trade for a spindle.
evening gals and guys,

scoot I am so sorry to hear about your dd, but if she does have to go I hope for your sake and feelings that she learns a very important lesson, and if she don't then by all means kids ain't never to old to spank!!!!!
I know cuz my dad just spanked me last weekend for saying a curse word in his presents, and I am 28. so there ya go.
welcome all that I have not met yet. glad to see the corner is growing. I always look forward to seeing new faces and meeting new hookers!

well alls going good mostly in my corner of the woods, other than being sick again, both the kids are sick, coughing and hacking and mean mean mean, and then here I am couching and trotting and puking o what a day it has been. well I can't complain to much though. so I hope everyone else is doing better. and everyone have a blessed night. Maw/
Ninny you can just jump right in and catch up later if you want to. Ya don't have to catch up at all if you don't have time.

I personally don't want or need kittens.
Yup, just jump right in Ninny! You'll get caught up soon enough and don't be afraid to ask questions.

Must be a busy bunch today. Hardly anyone here.

sorry you and the kiddos aren't feeling well. Hope you feel better soon!

Scoot, hope you are hanging in there.

I lost one of my young pullets today.
just keeled over.
Guess something's kind of got a hold of some of them. Time for the heavy duty vinegar in water treatment. Too bad the good stuff (Bragg's) is so darned expensive.

Hope everyone enjoys at least some part of their week!

Risu, I have not been having to good a luck with my chickens either. I moved my broody hen and her donated eggs into a cage similar to a rabbit hutch so my son would stop harrassing her and she broke 2 and ate one. Guess I moved her too late into her sitting spell. I gave the 7 non broken/eaten eggs to another broody hen I have. Hope this works.
ninny! We are so glad you're here!! I love kitties, but I won't be in IL for a long time, and I'm sure that the mailman wouldn't appreciate you shipping them!

Queen Scoot, check your pm's.
Maw, sorry ya'll are feeling so bad. Hope you get better soon!!
Welcome to the crochet chat Ninny but no thanks on the kitties for me
Hope you do find new homes for them though. Alot of spinners on this forum, maybe check with Muller's Lane and see if you could swap something with her for a drop spindle, I think Slo Crev spins with a drop spindle too. Good luck

Hope all the ails and ills are better today, have a nice one folks
Just checking in to say Hi.

saddles, diapers, saddles, diapers, saddles, diapers. ect........

I'm afraid to check my PM's or email because their are more orders.

Hoping it slows down soon.
I'm starting to get a little tired.

Welcome Ninny.
Sorry to hear about your chicken Risu. Was it too hot? MIne have been hot I have a fan on them now.
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