Crochet "Chat"

I discovered the mascot thread yesterday and it is SOOOOOOO funny!! If any of yall have not read it yet you should check it out! Really really cute.

SE I remember seeing in your siggy something about a mascot but never asked and now I know what that was all about. I am slow, I know.
evening gals and fellows, well I have discovered what has made me so sick, I am allergic to my mothers cats, I have had all of them basicly since last saturday as I was taking them to my vet down here that is alot cheaper to spay them than her vet, well thats when the ickies started, when I am in the house I feel like I am going to fall apart, trouble seeing, coughing, losing my voice, pukeing and so forth. but when I leave the house even to just go outside, well I have to be out for a while 45 mins or so but I start feeling normal again and can move and don't feel sick at all, but as soon as I came back in with in 20 mins I was back to being sick. So I called her up and made her come pick them cats up this afternoon and have been bleaching and cleaning ever since. so my house now smells like a brand new hospital says my hubby. but I am starting to feel a whole lot better. so now I am going to work on painting the kids room and making so amig pillows.

well scoot I am praying for the both of you.

ris I m sorry to hear about you chick. do you know did it eat anything with possible alot of salt? my dd feed some of my chicks salt and well all but one came out of it, I found one this morning that didn't make it so we had it a funerel (SP) well I am off so I will chit chat with ya'll later. Maw.
Hmmm I am not sure about the salt thing. It's possible. None of the other chickens or pullets seem to have suffered from the possible thing that had a lot of salt. My hubby fed them old croutons. So maybe...but that was awhile ago. I think it might have been heat and who knows what else? We seem to have one drop on us every 4 or 5 months or so...I have a lot of chickens, but they aren't overcrowded or anything...*shrug* I hate to say it, but if they want to cull themselves, I am kind of (and I mean kind of) ok with long as a majority of them stay healthy and happy...the survival of the fittest can kick in, I suppose... still it is kind of disturbing.

Well, that was morbid...

Anyway, I am off to bed. I started on baby's mobile tonight. It went ok, but crocheting animals while adapting the pattern to hopefully fit what I am trying to do is a little frustrating at my skill level. Hopefully it will work out.

Night all! Hope you all have a good rest of your week and that the weekend promises fun summery things to do. Happy June!
You'll get it figured out Acre and then you'll be "hooked", lol!!

Maw, that is some serious allergy you've got there kiddo, glad you got rid of the cats before you had to be hospitalized, wow, def. not worth it. I like a house smelling like bleach, so nice and clean!!!

Rocket, sorry about the chicks but glad the mocile is coming along for the squirrel princess!!
I hope when you get the babyghan from Karan some of my squares are in it!!!

Doesn't that look yummy?

Thanks SE, I hope some of your squares are in there too.

Maw, that is some nasty stuff...I have not ever heard of vomiting from a cat allergy. wow...bad magumba! Glad you figured it out and got rid of them...

OMG it's like pulling teeth trying to get my Kiddo to school lately. Why can't they end school at Memorial day, instead of dragging it out for another 2 weeks???
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Mornin everyone!

I had to cut my puter off yesterday. Huge storm rolled in and was full of lightening. My mother called to tell me about it. She said it was full of big hail but it went right around us and only got a nice shower. Still had a lot of lightening. Was an interesting show anyway.

Going over to my brothers to build more bee hives. Just wanted to check in with everyone. Will check back in tonight befor bed.
Byyyyyyeeeeee!! LOL
Hi, all! I wanted to share a couple things with you. When I was at our women's convention this past weekend, I ran into the woman who motivated me to pull out my crocheting again after a couple of years. Her personal ministry is prayer shawls, so I asked to see what she was working on. She pulled one out that she had just finished, and told me to try it on. When I did, she told me it was for me!!

The colors in this pic are not nearly as pretty as the real thing - it's all jewel tones of blue & green. And it's just beautiful!! Mostly double crochet, with a single-crochet border around all sides.

And here's what I've done most recently. It's a market bag, made from Bernat cotton yarn. I think it's much prettier than those $1 bags you see at the grocery store.

Ya'll have a great night - see you tomorrow.
Hi, everyone! I was just wondering if there would be any interest in a Crochet-Along? I'd be willing to host it, if we have anyone interested. If so, would you rather do a blanket, sweater, or what? Discuss this among yourselves. I'll be eaves-dropping to see what you think about it.

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