Crochet "Chat"

A goose roundup? Why do visions of chickens with lariats and driving whips riding turkeys chasing geese keep popping into my head?

Glad to see and hear from my hooker sisters that have been otherwise occuppied and know that all is okay with them.

I'll join the cheering section also on the crochet along, I too have a bunch of other things going on at the moment.
We're doing pretty well, Purr. Thanks.
We've got the summer cold ick around here, trying not to panic about the new flu strain and just taking things a day at a time.

I should be getting back to trying to get the household feeling better.
Hope all is well with everyone!

Fr.Chuck, your image of chickens riding turkeys rounding up the geese made me laugh so hard!
Happy Sunday!!!! What's the latest on the crochet-a-long and or the infamous LC bag??!!

LC, I have a kit with two fat skiens of yarn and a pattern for a 62" sunburst or star looking quilt, very beginner stitches, I could get you a copy of the pattern if you might want to make it one of your possible choices for the is going to be my next crochet project because I think it would be a super christmas gift and will add it to my box of hand made things I'm saving to sort near December. Good size, not alot of yarn and pretty easy, just a thought but let me know if you might want it to be a choice for voting and I'll get you the pattern.

edited for horrible typing!!!
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Hi! I have two projects right now, a tapestry hip bag, with a picot/doily crochet flap, and embroidery on the front, and a simple baggy hooded sweatshirt, in a cobble stitch.
WHAT I REALLY WANT TO MAKE: I found this pattern for a cute little wraparound cardigan, that I'm going to save up my angora's wool to make-obviously, I'll double ply it with silk.
FrizzleFreak! Hope you will love our cozy little hooking corner! Come here to chat and show off your projects and chat some more.
There are hints of swaps and crochet-alongs that might start soon and there's the ongoing babyghan shower project that Karanleaf hosts.

Enjoy and we are glad to have you!

Hope everyone is enjoying your weekends. We are in couch camp recovery mode here, all of us down with ick and sick. Bleck...
You could try needle felting a mobile! It's kind of like sculpting with wool, it's really easy. In fact, I have a pattern around here somewhere for a sun, moon, stars mobile...I could get it if you want?
ETA: Thanks for the warm welcome! Just another reason to love BYC....
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Did anyone miss me? I was gone for almost a week. Computer charger died on me...

Well the wind is officially out of my sails. My DD decided that she would "help" me and cut all of the loose ends off of the squares I was making her for her afghan. I will have to start all over on many of them, b/c as her coordination is not exquisite yet, she cut through a lot more of them, than just the ends.

I am really really down about this.

Good to hear from you Purr, and glad you are back. I have thought about ya while you were gone. Great news on the cholesterol and new and improved health!

Speaking of health, I will have to go on insulin. My after meal sugars are under control which is what I actually have control over, but my fasting sugars; the ones that I check after waking up and before eating, are too high. I have no control over the fasting sugars. What I eat doesn't affect them at all. It's hormonal she soon as I deliver they should get back to normal. I sure hope so. Anyway, insulin here I come this week.
Hi, sorry I just dropped off after that! I've been furiously working to finish ami(whatever) bears for two girls in my youth group who are graduating on Thursday. (The pattern is on the Lion Brand website - it's the Graduation Bear. ) And trying to get that market bag pattern down, but I think I'm just going to combine two patterns to get what ya'll need. Anyway, I need someone to tell me what I need to do to get a new thread started. It'll be at least next weekend before I can really get started, due to late hours this week at work, but I can do a little over lunches and dinners. (P.S. I HATE the last week of school! I'll be there until 9:30 or 10 every evening except Thursday, and I'll probably be there until midnight then!
Darlene, I'd really appreciate the pattern - could you send me a pic? And what experience level is it? I've found a couple of sweaters/jackets that I'm going to put as choices, too. If anyone else has a pattern they'd like to have considered for the CAL, please e-mail me a picture of the "finished product" OR the website where you found it.
Crochet Chat Corner Frizzle Good to have ya here.

I think you will enjoy everyone here we a bit on the crazy side sometime then Chuck cracks the whip and puts us back inline.
There is always something going on and many projects we get into.

Maw, Sounds like things have really been buzy in your corner.
okie, Sure hope you do well keeping your blood sugsr in check it is nothing to fool around with. Ya gota take care of you and the Baby boy.

Rocket, sorry all of you are
, sure hope all of you are better tomorrow.

LC I am sure that you will do Great with the crochet along.

I bet you bears are cute too.

Dh & I have been working really hard on the greenhouse and the garden area the past 2 weeks. And it is beginning to show

Well Gang I am tucker out
I am going to head for the then off I go to

Catch ya all later


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