Crochet "Chat"

I'll check out the link and book at home thanks! I'm just happy I've got both boys and girls who want to learn, and the boys seem to pick it up so much easier and have the neatest tightest stitches on the small stuff; the girls want to hang them lol! They said they'll crochet the rope!
Wow, I wish I had been this prepared before my grandchildren started coming! Seems these days I'm always a few months behind on finishing just the few basics I try to complete for them. I have some dolls that I've been trying to finish for 6 months now and haven't gotten back to them.
Ok, I hope this doesn't seem too weird.

I'm a 49 year old husband and father of 2 ( & soon to be father-in-law)....and I've been lurking around here for a while, wondering whether or not to ask if I could pay somebody to make me a scarf........I've just started wearing a scarf this past month or so plowing snow around here...but the one I have is an old one my wife wore when she was in high's very warm and comfy, but also red,white and black...with all kinds of fringe on it (she wore it with her varsity jacket when she was a cheerleader) I only wear it while I'm around the house....anyway, I was wanting one to wear more know, one that might look good with carharts.

My mother crochets and one of my sisters, too. My mom has so many other things that she promised to people, that I would feel bad asking her...and same for my sis, They both have enough going on, that I don't want to ask them. So I thought I'd buy one or pay somebody to make me one.....and that's why I was snooping around here.

And I must say that after reading some of the conversations going on here, it made me stop to think a little. Like a couple of you, I was drawn to older people while I was growing paternal granddad and my maternal grandmother (both lost their spouses at an early age) were two of my best friends...They are both gone now, but I loved the time I got to spend with them, and I spent a lot of time with each of them. I soaked up a lot of wisdom from them. I remember that my grandmother was always crocheting and once taught me to crochet...I was probably about 8 or 9....I made a potholder and maybe some other little things...I only did it one my friends didn't think it was as cool as I did. But I think I'm going to have my mom show me how to make my own grandmother would love it if she knew that I made it myself....I also think my mom will enjoy making time in her week to spend teaching me, too...(I hope!)

I'm not sure why I felt like posting this, maybe just to say thanks for inspiring me and making me remember.

So whaddya think, can my fat, old fingers do it? Wish me luck.
chickinlickin - I think it would be cool if you had your mom reteach you, its sooooo rewarding to make something for yourself (or someone else) with a hook and some yarn... I would love to see your scarf when you are done.
Not at all weird! Weird would be not doing something you and your Mom would enjoy just because you're worried about what somebody else might think. I was a machinist for 9 years and hung sheetrock part-time for a few years as well but I also love to cook, sew, crochet etc.
Do what you want and to heck with anybody else! Fat fingers work just fine for crocheting. Do it all! Life is short.
Thanks for the encouragement, you all.

Just came from my parents....and my mom is digging out her extra hooks and scrap yarn. Looks like this is a go.... I'm going to stop up there one evening to get started

She is already telling me all this stuff that I don't understand (about what she knows how to do and what she doesn't..
)...but she assured me I could learn good enough to do a scarf.

I'll keep you posted.
Hi everyone, Sometime back someone mentioned a book of motifs called "Beyond the Square Crochet Motifs." Well, I ordered it and it arrived today. I've been reading through it and it is great. There are so many different shapes of motifs and such a great selection. All of you out there just learning.....I would recommend the book. The directions are both in written word and also in a diagram with symbols. It also explains what the written directions mean when they say things like *dblc in next chain 2 twice. It's really a neat book so if any of you want to order it, I paid $12.80 for it on Amazon. They had some used ones also. I hope it helps........

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