Crossbreeds Can Be SO Beautiful, Don't You Think?

A very large FRIENDLY chicken, LOL. My Orp's. and Brahma's are the most friendly birds I have. It's almost frustrating when trying to feed and clean and such - having to fend off the birds trying to climb my legs to have me hold them.

Have you hatched any from this breeding pen? I'd love to see what they turn out like.
Not yet because only the Lt. Brahma has started laying. The Blue Orps are 21 weeks old and the Brahmas are 20 weeks. I, too, would love to see what pops out of those eggs! Both great breeds, as you said. Here are Suede and his Brahma Girls-Velvet hates to be photographed. What a diva she is!

They are 19 weeks old now and squatting so soon we should know what color egg they will lay:

I'm still pretty much a "newbie". What do you mean by squatting?​
When they get close to laying age, they also are close to accepting a mate. When you or a rooster approaches, they actually drop to the ground with their wing/shoulders slightly extended, so the rooster can balance. It's a sign of submission. In the absence of a rooster, they will do it when you reach for them, you being the one in charge. I didn't get a rooster till my girls were almost a year old and some will still squat when I call their names, but not for the poor ol' Hawkeye, LOL.
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Oh ok so I have something to watch for now that will tell me when they are getting ready to start laying soon. They're only 8 weeks now so I should have about 12 more to go I guess.
Suede is gorgeous!! And Lt. Brahmas are among my most favorite birds. I know they are not the most showy, but I think the roosters especially are terribly impressive. I met a huge Lt. Brahma roo recently that had the most wonderful deep sounding crow! I was so impressed that I ordered one for myself. He's just a little guy still in the brooder, but I have plans for him already.

Please post pics if you do hatch out of Suede and his girls. I might get some hatching eggs from you a little later- I have to figure out which pens my boys and girls I already have are to ultimately end up in. We're rebuilding the chicken yard and adding to the coop, so I'm trying to plan for extras early this time.
My Lt. Brahma, Miranda, had a sister named Bess. Well, Bess turned out to be BART and was the sweetest cockerel I've ever seen. Unfortunately, I had no plans to breed Brahmas and I sold him to some people who were thrilled to have him-he rode home in a Cadillac on a teenage girl's lap, LOL. I miss him still. I get so attached to them all, I'd make a terrible breeder. Guess I need to get used to that or only sell hatching eggs, huh?
I will ask the person who is currently waiting for the eggs to post pics on here of what the crosses look like. She'll be my first tester for this breeding pen. One of our genetics people said the chicks would pretty much be blue, maybe with feathers on the feet and gold or silver in the hackle area. Sounds handsome to me! I will be breeding the Blue Orpingtons (and Orp/Brahmas) and now Blue and Black Ameraucanas as well, the real ones, not Easter Eggers. Nothing wrong with EE's as long as you know that's what you're buying, though. Just let me know when you want them.
I have a crossbreed rooster and he's beautiful! Love him to death. If i had a digital camera i'd take pics of him and put them on here. Spot had a brother named cookie who looked like a twin. We had to give him away sadly
But the man we gave him to imidetly said " that's a beutiful rooster". So i think crossbreeds can be just as pretty as purebreds!

And also this sweetmama's 12 year old daughter:D

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