Crows Friend or Foe?


10 Years
May 11, 2009
Chautauqua County, NY
I purposely feed my damaged and overly dirty eggs to the local murder of crows. The crows in return chase off hawks and tend to dive bomb the fox if it comes around what they seem to deem their territory. Now when I went to research if other chicken keepers utilized their local crows in this manner all of found were articles on how to protect your chickens and their feed from crows. I have never had any problems with the crows attacking my chickens or eating their food. I've never even seen any of them land my backyard where my chickens are kept. Has anyone else found crows to be helpful in detouring other predators?
The crows living off at our neighbors chase the hawks and eagles off the front of our property where the chickens are. When I mow, it's like the crow call cause they all come over and wait for me to pass by in the section closest to their home. Then they drop down to get whatever was kicked up by my passing. As I mow they switch ends of the strip. I never have them over by the chickens on the ground. The chicken coop is a good 400 ft from where the crows like to feed in the mown grass.

The little sparrows are thieves, though. They will steal all the chicken food they can get their beaks on. Switching to pellets has helped with that some.
I don't feed the ones around here, but I might decide to if they'd let me know they were considering moving on to other real estate. Just the sound alone of the crows angry cawwwing sends my girls scurrying. Everytime I watch them divebombing and dancing around a hawk I wonder how/why the hawks don't retaliate????? I like the crows!!
Crows can keep away birds of prey and other predators, but can eat chicks and occasionly steal feed. The last two are rare, so crows are generally a plus. Just today I saw a group of crows chasing a hawk, he, he.
I would say crows are good to have around.
Lot of variables, but can be either depending on conditions, attitude, and environment.... They can be a very efficient and crafty predator when hungry
Crows.....a good thing.

Zaxby's2 :

Crows can keep away birds of prey and other predators, but can eat chicks and occasionly steal feed. The last two are rare, so crows are generally a plus. Just today I saw a group of crows chasing a hawk, he, he.
I would say crows are good to have around.

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