crying chicks

sweetie pie

6 Years
Mar 10, 2013
Does anyones chicks peep really loud when it time to go to bed. I have to turn on a nightlight and that seems to help but i just hat to hear them cry. I go in there and hold them and they are fine but when I leave the room they start peeping really loud....any suggestions please :)
Mine do for a few minutes. Kinda like ,"Hey Mom! Turn the light on. Don't you know it's dark in here?" But then I shut the door and go out. After a few minutes, they mutter off to quiet little peeps, then go to sleep. Usually there's two that freak more than the others-Peep and Henrietta. They are my loudest gals anyways.
A little more information please! How old are these chicks? Are you using a light for heat or just for light?

Is there food and water with the chicks at all times?

Are you certain the chicks aren't "trilling", a musical sound usually made by all chicks in unison as they prepare to settle in for a good sleep?
My 5 week olds always peep extra loudly at night time (they're still in a brooder box inside) and they have food, water, and warmth! Takes about 15+ minutes of loud peeping after I turn the lights out in the living room for them to settle down and then they're silent all night. My husband says they're "protesting" the lights going off. At first I was worried by this, but now I think they're ok. They have everything they need. And they've been doing it since I first got them (when they were a week old). I think they just don't want it to be dark.
Mine cut a big fuss when I turn out the lights too. They settle down to sleep after a few minutes.
Yep, My babies are 3 &1/2 weeks old and they still do a lot of vocalizing at bedtime. They settle down pretty quickly though.

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