Cub Scout kid gets suspended out of school

I don't know for sure he's even in scouting but at 6 he would be a Bear or Wolf Cub Scout. Scouting takes things like knives VERY seriously and only lets the kids use them under certain circumstances and each year they are allowed more freedom. It's a real good program.

In todays world I can see how him having it would be a problem, especially in school. My son always carried a multitool or small knife with him but only when he was with me.

The whole thing is stupid and sensationalized. A smart teacher would have taken it away and given it to the kids parents without maing a fuss. But, then again, that may have place the teacher in some sort of liability. Who knows...

Legally the teacher has to report the knife or she will get fired or jailed. In most cases they have to call the police if I child brings anything that can be a weapon. In this case, I actually agree with the school. A small child brought a knife to school. What if another child had gotten a hold of that knife? It is not beyond even a 6 year old to hurt another child. The zero tolerence rule is there to protect children. Many children bring weapons to school that do get used against themselves and others.

The schools make it clear to parents and students what is appropriate behavior. This child's mother should have known the policies and not allowed him to bring it to school.
I don't know for sure he's even in scouting but at 6 he would be a Bear or Wolf Cub Scout. Scouting takes things like knives VERY seriously and only lets the kids use them under certain circumstances and each year they are allowed more freedom. It's a real good program.

In todays world I can see how him having it would be a problem, especially in school. My son always carried a multitool or small knife with him but only when he was with me.

The whole thing is stupid and sensationalized. A smart teacher would have taken it away and given it to the kids parents without maing a fuss. But, then again, that may have place the teacher in some sort of liability. Who knows...

Legally the teacher has to report the knife or she will get fired or jailed. In most cases they have to call the police if I child brings anything that can be a weapon. In this case, I actually agree with the school. A small child brought a knife to school. What if another child had gotten a hold of that knife? It is not beyond even a 6 year old to hurt another child. The zero tolerence rule is there to protect children. Many children bring weapons to school that do get used against themselves and others.

The schools make it clear to parents and students what is appropriate behavior. This child's mother should have known the policies and not allowed him to bring it to school.

Yeah I figured there was some sort of liability on the teacher's behalf.
You got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!

Oh, then I didnt know he was a Cub Scout....but however I dont see anything wrong with him having it .

I used to ahve a GS knife all the way to grade school, carried it in my pocket and no one ever said anything about it. I even ate off of it too! My father was a Cub scout, Boy Scout and now Boy Scout Leader and he said back then, no one ever thinks differently about carrying knives and they did stress the safety issues of handling and carrying a knife at all times.

Yes the punishment was extreme and I voted "its ridiculous" in the MSN voting.

NOPE! dead serious
I was a cub leader in Canada for 6 years, and now living in the U.S with a 9 year old son in bear cubs. My sons pack is working on their pocket knife skills next month.

I can very much see the schools reasoning on this. I as a mom would never let my son take a knife to school with him. Just because as said before, some other child could get a hold of the knife. I have had my son come home many times upset because some other child had stolen his toy for sharing or his lunch money out of his back pack.

I had a boy in my daughter's class when she was 7 threaten to shot her with his dad's gun. With all the things kids see today on the computer and T.V. Some just don't know were to draw the line at anger.

I feel the policy that the schools have for "No Tolerance" are there for a reason.

I send my child to school to learn, I don't want to have to be frightened that some other child is going to get a hold of something to hurt the other students or my child.

The whole thing is the safety for our children.
In Arizona, a 6-year-old boy would be a Tiger Cub Scout if he was in first grade. First graders/ 7 year olds = Tigers.

Cub Scouts can earn their Whittlin' Chip to be able to carry a pocketknife. As a matter of fact, one of the prizes for selling Boy Scout popcorn is a pocketknife.

I'm too lazy to look, but I don't think Tigers can earn their Whittlin' Chip. I'm thinking it starts with Wolves or Bears.

The MSN homepage headline says the kid is getting a second chance. That's what happens when the media reports something. People and their actions get scrutinized.
Oh sheesh it is getting so ridiculous. We had an 8 year old suspended for kissing a classmate on the cheek. No one complained (neither child's parents) but teh teacher saw it and turned him in.

Good grief...lock the child up....make him do hard time, take away his legos...for kissing a little girl's cheek.
No tolerance policy means they do not have to think. I do agree that a six year old bringing any knife to school ain't good.
Kinda like when I was in 1st grade. I peaked into the girls restroom on a dare. Old .rs !abin caught me. Now everyone knows that those young ladies were hardly in danger from me. But old Mrs Babin beat me like a drum. Learned my lesson. I can close my eyes and still see that old woman reaching for me. 50 years ago, she's long in her grave, but I remember.
That little fellow will well remember that a rule is to be followed.

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