Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

This is the Black stag that I lost to a dog 2 weeks ago. He was my number one keeper.



I also lost this huge duckwing stag:


It was good meeting you and your DW, Cubalaya, and the trio is settling in great. That white cockerel ( stag? young rooster in game terms...?) sure is handsome. In the early pages of this thread someone heard they had a rep for being noisy, and I just don't see it. I can hardly hear this fellow's crow from inside the house, and if he crows right in my ear it is nothing like my old RIR/Rock mutt. They are all pleasantly chatty, not loud at all.

After our misadventures with Marans we are all loving these guys.
WoodnFeathers! The longer you have Cubalayas the more you will like them . They have an air about them. You are also very fortunate , in that Cubalaya AKA Waterfront Farms has beautiful birds . Enjoy, Bill
thanks bill, oldhound. to change the subject, is anyones cubalayas molting yet? my wheaton pen went broody about a month ago and now are not laying and they are losing a few feathers. i shoved some eggs under one of the hens and i am collecting eggs for the incubator. my black pen and gold duckwing pen are still laying and no feather loss.
Not really-one pullet is just starting, but, I expect to see a lot more molting in August and September-that is usually when mine molt.
My last hatch for the year was last Saturday add 7 more-I have over 60 Cubalayas out now. Actually I have lost count!!
I am going to have to build another pen or two!!
One things for sure, whoever came up with that old adage 'don't count your chickens before they hatch:' NEVER HAD CHICKENS. You better count them early on or even before because you sure won't count them afterwards!!! lol.
Yes, these birds are beautiful! I can't wait to let the girls out of quarantine. They are trying to get into all kinds of mischief - the wheaten is trying to untie the knot holding the feed bucket, hanging out sideways from a perch and prying at the knot with her beak. Not sure what she thinks this will accomplish other than a scary thump when it hits the floor.

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