Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

here are the 2 brown reds that i got from gallo and a pic of the stag i got from saladin and one of my brown red hens with a white hen.


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He is showing more red than I had hoped for, but I think he's going to have a good tail. There is not doubt you've treated him well: that red face surely shows it.

What is his weight?
i would guess 5lbs. the other one is around 6 lbs. and blacker. i will post a pic of him and a better pic of my brown red hen soon. that white hen has the black flecks. will that clean up the red when bred to the stag? will the chicks be blacker or smoky blue?
I'm not sure. I used it the other way around. The Black to cleanup the brassiness in the Whites. Chicks will be Black or Smoky; I'd guess Black because they will all be Black at maturity........

Cubalaya White is reccessive.
Remember though my Blacks were made with White Cubalayas (so some may still carry the reccessive White gene); so, it is possible to get some Smoky White Cubalaya chicks from mating the Black to the White.
here is the bigger one

i will raise some chicks off them in the spring and see. might end up moving her in with the white stag and have a pen of whites, a pen of blacks, a pen of brown reds, and a pen of gold duckwing

Cubalaya explosion! This is just some of this years hatch, many more are totally free ranging, and some are penned up. Lots of diverse colors. sorry for the blurr, they all won't stand still. If you look close you can pick out the pyle male and that spangled pullet.

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