Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

Thank you for the offer 4H but I'm looking for large fowl.

I have some 4 month old birds from Welp hatchery that I could maybe spare a trio, but honestly, if I were you I would just wait until fall. Everyone is raising birds right now and waiting to see what they will turn into. In the fall there will be a lot of pullets and cockerels for sale. So if you get chicks now, you will have to raise them, but if you wait until the fall the breeders will raise them for you. You will end up with better birds if you wait until fall because, although the breeders will keep the best for themselves, they will never send you trash. They will cull all the trash birds, so you will get good birds. If you buy chicks right now, there is no way to tell whether they are good or bad because like Saladin said, "Cubalayas are butt ugly as chicks."
JE - thanks for the offer, how old are the birds? Thanks also for the advice as I didn't realize what you pointed about about the seasonality of the breeding/raising birds.
They are 4 months. But I would feel bad sending them to you because, even if a gave them to you for free, it will still cost about $150 shipping to send you a trio of birds that we do not even know the history of, when you could spend that same money for some quality bred birds from one of the real breeders on here. Nobody knows anything about the Welp breeding. I am the only one on here that has their birds and we are all waiting to see what they will do when mature. It's up to you, but my advice is it to wait and save your money for something more certain.
your welcome felix1
would the club involve bantams too or just standard?
has any body by ant chance orderd from stramburg before?
New updates to the website. The "Join Us" pages has been updated to include instructions to be come a member. The directory page has been updated with my membership information to show how it will look (for now). The temporary password for the directory page is, "pepper". Members will be sent an email with the new password when it is changed.
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New updates to the website. The "Join Us" pages has been updated to include instructions to be come a member. The directory page has been updated with my membership information to show how it will look (for now). The temporary password for the directory page is, "pepper". Members will be sent an email with the new password when it is changed.
Done and done!! Does that make me the 2nd member after you?? Thanks for doing this, hope it goes well........stan

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